求大神指点!adams仿真错误如下,如何解决? 50


WARNING: Setting the delta_type of a variable to percent_relative when its value is 0.0 causes

the variable to be irrelevant in a design study. Set delta_type to absolute instead.

ERROR:   Time 1.463840E-01:

Acceleration computation failed to converge after 25 iterations.

Equation with the largest imbalance: Part/109 Y Force

Imbalance = 6.544238926E-04

Variable receiving largest increment: Part/2 X Acc

Delta = 0.000000000E+00

1) Check mass and inertia properties to ensure they are valid.

2) Make sure the choice of units is appropriate for the system.

   Systems that have very small inertias may benefit from "small"

   force units, e.g., dynes.

3) Check that motion generators are valid and no redundant constraints exist.

4) Check if impact functions caused a strange response in the model (verify properties).

5) An IMPLICIT DIFF element which does not reference DIF1 must be satisfied by its IC.


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