加了intial stress,初始孔隙比,初始饱和度,初始孔压场。
warning中,这个出了两次:Output request flvel is not available for element type t2d2。
这个一直出现:There is zero VOL. FLUX everywhere in the model based on the default criterion. please check the value of the average VOL. FLUX during the current iteration to verify that the VOL. FLUX is small enough to be treated as zero. if not, please use the solution controls to reset the criterion for zero VOL. FLUX.
这个开始的时候出现很多次:Solver problem. Zero pivot when processing D.O.F. 2 of 3 nodes. The nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeSolvProbZeroPiv_2_2_5_1_1.