workbench静力学辊压模拟怎么约束才能避免刚体运动? 50
根据网上金属轧制视频教程演化来的三层板轧件辊压轧制,报错总是solver pivot warning和One or more bodies may be underconstrained and experiencing rigid body motion. 求解器输出里也经常出现辊子外表面pilot node 的ROTX的问题“There are 1 small equation solver pivot terms (e.g., at the ROTX degree of freedom of node 20918) which had to be constrained to produce a solution. This typically indicates a numerically unstable model. Please check your results carefully. ”请问大神这个模型如果欠约束的话应该如何施加约束比较好?如果约束没问题的话到底是哪里出了问题?下面是设置
轧辊与轧件外表面摩擦接触,添加增强拉格朗日算法和自动刚度更新,调整为adjust to touch