ANSYS 的材料库内材料无法transfer to the solve? 10
使用ANSYS Explicit Dynamics (LS-DYNA Export)模块求解;
在 Engineering Data中材料库添加材料;但无法求解,报错;

Starting transfer of material Structural Steel NL
Loading bi-linear isotropic hardening properties.
Bi-linear isotropic hardening properties complete.
Material Structural Steel NL loaded successfully.
Starting transfer of material SAN Foam (81 kg m^-3)
Could not transfer material SAN Foam (81 kg m^-3) to the solver.
Starting transfer of material Aluminum Alloy
Material Aluminum Alloy loaded successfully.
Starting transfer of material TNT
Loading JWL equation of state data.
JWL equation of state failed.
Could not transfer the selected equation of state to the solver.
Could not transfer material TNT to the solver.
Starting transfer of material Honeycomb
Loading orthotropic elasticity data.
Orthotropic elasticity complete.
Could not transfer material Honeycomb to the solver.
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