cohesive surface 的接触属性参数如何确定? 500
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模型需求:在两个不同part之间定义接触,其中接触属性定义为cohesive behavior。
stiffness coefficients的三个参数不知道怎样设置。已知材料拉伸强度为40Mpa左右,请问怎样计算得出图中的3个参数呢
模型需求:在两个不同part之间定义接触,其中接触属性定义为cohesive behavior。
stiffness coefficients的三个参数不知道怎样设置。已知材料拉伸强度为40Mpa左右,请问怎样计算得出图中的3个参数呢
这个叫做界面刚度,等效于零厚度的内聚力单元, 这个值理论上讲无穷大,但是太高结果不收敛出现非物理结果!
It has been verified that the stiffness of the interface influences the accuracy of prediction [13]. High values of stiffness can prevent interpenetration of the crack faces but will lead to numerical problems. An effective method for normalization of the interface stiffness in terms of small thickness t in the resin rich zone was developed by Daudeville et al. [36]. Proposed values for interfacial stiffness include 107 N/mm3 [37], and 108 N/mm3 [38]. Zou et al. [39] proposed a value for the stiffness between 104 and 107 times the value of the strength of the interface per unit length. The zero-thickness CEs used in this study cannot be normalized by the thickness. The same stiffness value of 106 N/mm3 was taken for each fracture mode, which has been verified as accurate for graphite/epoxy laminates in Ref. [40]. However, the interface stiffness of CEs used to simulate the matrix cracking was defined as a value of 107 N/mm3 based on Shi’s study [20].
Cao D, Duan Q, Hu H, Zhong Y, Li S. Computational investigation of both intra-laminar matrix cracking and inter-laminar delamination of curved composite components with cohesive elements. Composite Structures. 2018;192:300-9.