Abaqus壳单元分析运行终止,报错Too many attempts made for ? 50

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用hypermesh抽取中面划分壳单元后,导入到abaqus中设置进行分析,分析终止只报错Too many attempts made for this increment。


For *tie pair (assembly_channel-tie-assembly_base-tie), adjusted nodes with very small adjustments were not printed. Specify *preprint,model=yes for complete printout.

Slave node 80 instance part-1-1 will not be tied to the master surface assembly_base-tie. The distance from the master surface is greater than the position tolerance value.

Slave node 352 instance part-1-1 will not be tied to the master surface assembly_base-tie. The distance from the master surface is greater than the position tolerance value.

Slave node 440 instance part-1-1 will not be tied to the master surface assembly_base-tie. The distance from the master surface is greater than the position tolerance value.

Slave node 848 instance part-1-1 will not be tied to the master surface assembly_base-tie. The distance from the master surface is greater than the position tolerance value.

Slave node 1259 instance part-1-1 will not be tied to the master surface assembly_base-tie. The distance from the master surface is greater than the position tolerance value.

Slave node 1403 instance part-1-1 will not be tied to the master surface assembly_base-tie. The distance from the master surface is greater than the position tolerance value.

Slave node 1943 instance part-1-1 will not be tied to the master surface assembly_base-tie. The distance from the master surface is greater than the position tolerance value.

Slave node 1984 instance part-1-1 will not be tied to the master surface assembly_base-tie. The distance from the master surface is greater than the position tolerance value.

Slave node 2601 instance part-1-1 will not be tied to the master surface assembly_base-tie. The distance from the master surface is greater than the position tolerance value.

Slave node 2677 instance part-1-1 will not be tied to the master surface assembly_base-tie. The distance from the master surface is greater than the position tolerance value.

Slave node 3302 instance part-1-1 will not be tied to the master surface assembly_base-tie. The distance from the master surface is greater than the position tolerance value.

378 nodes are either missing intersection with their respective master surface or are outside the adjust zone. The nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeMissMasterIntersect.

103 elements are distorted. Either the isoparametric angles are out of the suggested limits or the triangular or tetrahedral quality measure is bad. The elements have been identified in element set WarnElemDistorted.

202 elements are curved/warped. The angle subtended between the average element normal and a nodal normal exceeds 10 degrees. Mesh refinement is recommended. The elements have been identified in element set WarnElemWarped.


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