lsdyna求解时提示内存不够,但是修改内存后还是一直提示不够要不就直接没法运行是怎么回事? 50
浏览:3125 回答:6
** Error 70021 (OTH+21)
Memory is set 1011584 words short
memory size 49000000
Increase the memory size by one of the following
where #### is the number of words requested:
1) On the command line set - memory=####
2) In the input file define memory with *KEYWORD
i.e., *KEYWORD #### or *KEYWORD memory=####
一般的原则:2亿,如果单精度求解意味着你需要800M内存, 3亿需要1.2G物理内存,现在的电脑都应有1.2G的内存呀