采用Hyperworks做复合材料振动疲劳分析,如何定义疲劳性能数据? 20

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Create a material card for your composite: In HyperMesh, create a material card for your composite using the MAT8 card image. Define the composite properties: Define the composite properties, such as elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, and shear modulus. Specify the composite's S-N curve: In the material card, you can specify the composite's S-N curve using the fatigue data. Since the MAT8 card image does not have a fatigue setting, you can create a user-defined material subroutine (UMAT) to input the fatigue data. Create a UMAT: Create a UMAT using HyperWorks' user-defined material subroutine. The UMAT will allow you to input the fatigue data for the composite. Input the fatigue data: In the UMAT, input the fatigue data for the composite. This data typically includes the number of cycles to failure, stress amplitude, and mean stress. Define the vibration loading: Define the vibration loading in HyperWorks using the loading type that is appropriate for your application, such as random or sine vibration. Run the vibration fatigue analysis: Run the vibration fatigue analysis in HyperWorks. The software will use the fatigue data you input to predict the fatigue life of the composite under the given loading conditions. Analyze the results: Analyze the simulation results to determine the fatigue life of the composite under the given loading conditions. If necessary, you can adjust the fatigue data or loading conditions and re-run the analysis to refine your results. It is important to note that defining accurate fatigue data for composites is crucial for obtaining accurate results in vibration fatigue analysis. Therefore, it is important to use high-quality test data or reliable predictive models to generate the fatigue data.
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