STAR-CCM+多体耦合问题? 10

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To calculate a moving part coupled to another moving part in STAR-CCM+, you can follow these steps: Set up the mesh: You need to create a mesh for your geometry, including the moving parts and their connections. You can use the Mesh module in STAR-CCM+ to create a high-quality mesh that accurately represents the geometry of the parts. Define the materials: You need to define the material properties for each of the objects in your simulation. You can do this using the Materials module in STAR-CCM+. Make sure to select the appropriate material properties based on the physical properties of the objects. Define the physics: You need to define the physics for your simulation, including the fluid dynamics, the motion of the parts, and the coupling between the parts. You can do this using the Physics Continua module in STAR-CCM+. For example, you can define the fluid dynamics using the Navier-Stokes equations, and the motion of the parts using the rigid body motion model. Set up the boundary conditions: You need to set up the boundary conditions for your simulation, including the inflow and outflow conditions, as well as any other conditions that affect the motion of the parts. You can do this using the Boundary Conditions module in STAR-CCM+. Define the coupling between the parts: You need to define the coupling between the moving parts in your simulation. This can be done using the STAR-Coupling module in STAR-CCM+. For example, you can use a Direct Coupling method to transfer data between the moving parts. Run the simulation: Once you have set up your simulation, you can run it using the Simulation module in STAR-CCM+. Make sure to monitor the convergence of the solution and adjust the settings as necessary. By following these steps, you can calculate a moving part coupled to another moving part in STAR-CCM+, including the DFBI main object moving in a wave, another object connected to it that can rotate, and another object rigidly connected to the Zhu object.
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