Finished creating all spring nodes...
Finished creating all spring node fixities...
Finished creating all p-y, t-z, and z-z spring material objects...
Finished creating all zero-Length elements for springs...
Finished creating all pile nodes...
Finished creating all pile node fixities...
Finished creating all equal degrees of freedom...
MapOfTaggedObjects::addComponent - not adding as one with similar tag exists, tag: 1
WARNING could not add uniaxialMaterial to the modelbuilder
while executing
"uniaxialMaterial Steel02 $matTag $Fy $E $b $R0 $cR1 $cR2 "
(file "H-Section.tcl" line 11)
invoked from within
"source H-Section.tcl"
(file "H-pile.tcl" line 197)