关于ansys mechanical总是出现接触、边界条件冲突?
查看求解方案信息,里面提到的内容是“Overconstraint may occur for Lagrange multiplier or MPC based contact algorithm. The reasons for possible overconstraint are: ”然后紧跟着下一个警告:“Boundary conditions, coupling, and/or constraint equations have been applied on certain contact nodes (for example 204892). ”和“Certain contact elements (for example 934739 & 917158) overlap with other. ”。
还提到:“Multiple constraints have been applied on degree of freedom 3 of contact node 1164102. The program will remove certain internal MPCs. Please check the model carefully. ”
最后:“The dependent term of internal constraint equation 247416 created by contact pair could not be identified. It is likely that either a displacement boundary condition has been applied directly onto a constraint equation or two or more constraint equations share too many degrees of freedom. ”