Input file: D:\ANSYS\bowen\0423\0423000.k
The native file format : 64-bit small endian
Memory size from command line: 20000000
allocating memory to 20000000 d 1968951 Initial allocation
******** notice ******** notice ******** notice ********
* *
* This is the LS-DYNA Finite Element code. *
* *
* Neither LST nor the authors assume any responsibility for *
* the validity, accuracy, or applicability of any results *
* obtained from this system. Users must verify their own *
* results. *
* *
* LST endeavors to make the LS-DYNA code as complete, *
* accurate and easy to use as possible. *
* Suggestions and comments are welcomed. Please report any *
* errors encountered in either the documentation or results *
* immediately to LST through your site focus. *
* *
* Copyright (C) 1990-2021 *
* by Livermore Software Technology, LLC *
* All rights reserved *
* *
******** notice ******** notice ******** notice ********
Beginning of keyword reader 04/23/24 16:19:17
expanding memory to 138440 d 2008618
expanding memory to 168440 d 2008618
expanding memory to 189975 d 2068618
expanding memory to 214477 d 2109258
expanding memory to 236513 d 2109258
expanding memory to 291513 d 2109258
expanding memory to 313142 d 2285120
expanding memory to 334643 d 2588042
Memory required to process keyword : 334643
Additional dynamic memory required : 2591799
contracting memory to 1 d 1981148 end of keyword reader
LS-DYNA will perform a structural only analysis
LS-DYNA keyword deck by LS-PrePost
ls-dyna smp d R13.0_365_f8a97bda2a date 08/10/2021
expanding memory to 2001 d 1767258 material, node and element data
expanding memory to 2073 d 1767293 material properties
expanding memory to 2131 d 1990815 gradient of damage data
expanding memory to 2153 d 2047990 user control for contact interfaces
contracting memory to 2133 d 2047992 thermal expansion 0
expanding memory to 2135 d 2047994 cross-sectional force definitions 0
expanding memory to 7715 d 2048008 temp index array for node sorting
contracting memory to 2135 d 2053592 just because?
expanding memory to 6215 d 2064770 arbitrary element numbering input
contracting memory to 2155 d 2102494 spc cards
expanding memory to 4155 d 2119973 load curve data
expanding memory to 16151 d 2119973 user_define_loading_set
expanding memory to 17553 d 2119973 regularize time history data
contracting memory to 16155 d 2119973 *DEFINE_ELEMENT_DEATH
expanding memory to 28315 d 2159748 implicit contact 1
contracting memory to 17155 d 2160069 contact segment data 1
expanding memory to 66535 d 2160069 contact segment data 3
contracting memory to 16155 d 2305444 contact definition
expanding memory to 16159 d 2353602 contact friction
expanding memory to 16259 d 2354232 rigid bodies for disp. termination
femsterNumDofs2 13594 1 0 1 13594
femsterNumDofs2Glob 13594 1 0 1 13594
expanding memory to 16318 d 4457232 save d3plot control data
expanding memory to 16324 d 4479605 sensor_control for curve
*** Warning 30210 (INI+210)
Stress vs. plastic strain load curve ID = 1
of part ID = 2 has a max. slope = 1.0730E+11
which exceeds the Youngs modulus = 6.8900E+10
S t o r a g e a l l o c a t i o n
Memory required to begin solution : 335K
Linear Alg dynamically allocated memory: 203K
Additional dynamically allocated memory: 4517K
Total: 5054K
E r r o r t e r m i n a t i o n 04/23/24 16:19:17
S t o r a g e a l l o c a t i o n
Memory required to complete solution : 335K
Linear Alg dynamically allocated memory: 636K
Additional dynamically allocated memory: 4551K
Total: 5522K
spooles objects usage
unfreed spooles objects
T i m i n g i n f o r m a t i o n
CPU(seconds) %CPU Clock(seconds) %Clock
Keyword Processing ... 0.0000E+00 0.00 8.2000E-02 3.18
KW Reading ......... 0.0000E+00 0.00 2.9000E-02 1.13
KW Writing ......... 0.0000E+00 0.00 8.0000E-03 0.31
Initialization ....... 2.0000E+00 100.00 2.4740E+00 96.04
Init Proc Phase 1 .. 0.0000E+00 0.00 1.2800E-01 4.97
Init Proc Phase 2 .. 0.0000E+00 0.00 3.0000E-03 0.12
Init solver .......... 0.0000E+00 0.00 1.0000E-03 0.04
EM solver ............ 0.0000E+00 0.00 1.9000E-02 0.74
Misc ............... 0.0000E+00 0.00 1.9000E-02 0.74
T o t a l s 2.0000E+00 100.00 2.5760E+00 100.00
Problem time = 0.0000E+00
Problem cycle = 0
Total CPU time = 2 seconds ( 0 hours 0 minutes 2 seconds)
CPU time per zone cycle = 0.000 picoseconds
Clock time per zone cycle= 4901960.789 picoseconds
Number of CPU's 4
NLQ used/max 136/ 136
Start time 04/23/2024 16:19:17
End time 04/23/2024 16:19:17
Elapsed time 0 second for 0 cycles using 4 SMP threads
( 0 hour 0 minute 0 second )
E r r o r t e r m i n a t i o n 04/23/24 16:19:17