Hyperworks 2023:BatchMesher无法创建representation,求助各位大佬!!

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Aug 05 18:50:29 : CPID=  PPID= 17952 FILE= Run.hm
Aug 05 18:50:39 : Working on D:/Storage/other excercise/hw/LESSON/HyperWorks2022.2CN/HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2/02-Geometry-Handling/2F/representations/CenterInner_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm ...
Aug 05 18:50:41 : Altair HyperMesh v2023.0.0.43
Aug 05 18:50:41 : Copyright (C)1990-2023 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 05 18:50:41 : Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not
Aug 05 18:50:41 : imply publication. Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly
Aug 05 18:50:41 : prohibited.
Aug 05 18:50:41 : CPID= 1268 PPID= 16472 FILE= CenterInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:51:45 : Altair HyperMesh v2023.0.0.43
Aug 05 18:51:45 : Copyright (C)1990-2023 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 05 18:51:45 : Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not
Aug 05 18:51:45 : imply publication. Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly
Aug 05 18:51:45 : prohibited.
Aug 05 18:51:45 : CPID= 6496 PPID= 16472 FILE= CenterInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:52:49 : Altair HyperMesh v2023.0.0.43
Aug 05 18:52:49 : Copyright (C)1990-2023 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 05 18:52:49 : Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not
Aug 05 18:52:49 : imply publication. Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly
Aug 05 18:52:49 : prohibited.
Aug 05 18:52:49 : CPID= 10368 PPID= 16472 FILE= CenterInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:53:51 : ::hwbm::FailSafeBatchMesh return val = 137
Aug 05 18:53:51 : BatchMesher process completed
Aug 05 18:50:39 : Working on D:/Storage/other excercise/hw/LESSON/HyperWorks2022.2CN/HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2/02-Geometry-Handling/2F/representations/LeftInner_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm ...
Aug 05 18:50:41 : Altair HyperMesh v2023.0.0.43
Aug 05 18:50:41 : Copyright (C)1990-2023 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 05 18:50:41 : Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not
Aug 05 18:50:41 : imply publication. Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly
Aug 05 18:50:41 : prohibited.
Aug 05 18:50:41 : CPID= 4860 PPID= 27444 FILE= LeftInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:51:45 : Altair HyperMesh v2023.0.0.43
Aug 05 18:51:45 : Copyright (C)1990-2023 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 05 18:51:45 : Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not
Aug 05 18:51:45 : imply publication. Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly
Aug 05 18:51:45 : prohibited.
Aug 05 18:51:45 : CPID= 5352 PPID= 27444 FILE= LeftInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:52:49 : Altair HyperMesh v2023.0.0.43
Aug 05 18:52:49 : Copyright (C)1990-2023 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 05 18:52:49 : Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not
Aug 05 18:52:49 : imply publication. Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly
Aug 05 18:52:49 : prohibited.
Aug 05 18:52:49 : CPID= 21968 PPID= 27444 FILE= LeftInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:53:52 : ::hwbm::FailSafeBatchMesh return val = 137
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BatchMesher process completed
Aug 05 18:50:39 : Working on D:/Storage/other excercise/hw/LESSON/HyperWorks2022.2CN/HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2/02-Geometry-Handling/2F/representations/LeftOuter_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm ...
Aug 05 18:50:41 : Altair HyperMesh v2023.0.0.43
Aug 05 18:50:41 : Copyright (C)1990-2023 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 05 18:50:41 : Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not
Aug 05 18:50:41 : imply publication. Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly
Aug 05 18:50:41 : prohibited.
Aug 05 18:50:41 : CPID= 29360 PPID= 12432 FILE= LeftOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:51:45 : Altair HyperMesh v2023.0.0.43
Aug 05 18:51:45 : Copyright (C)1990-2023 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 05 18:51:45 : Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not
Aug 05 18:51:45 : imply publication. Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly
Aug 05 18:51:45 : prohibited.
Aug 05 18:51:45 : CPID= 30008 PPID= 12432 FILE= LeftOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:52:49 : Altair HyperMesh v2023.0.0.43
Aug 05 18:52:49 : Copyright (C)1990-2023 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 05 18:52:49 : Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not
Aug 05 18:52:49 : imply publication. Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly
Aug 05 18:52:49 : prohibited.
Aug 05 18:52:49 : CPID= 26240 PPID= 12432 FILE= LeftOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:53:52 : ::hwbm::FailSafeBatchMesh return val = 137
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BatchMesher process completed
Aug 05 18:50:39 : Working on D:/Storage/other excercise/hw/LESSON/HyperWorks2022.2CN/HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2/02-Geometry-Handling/2F/representations/CenterOuter_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm ...
Aug 05 18:50:41 : Altair HyperMesh v2023.0.0.43
Aug 05 18:50:41 : Copyright (C)1990-2023 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 05 18:50:41 : Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not
Aug 05 18:50:41 : imply publication. Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly
Aug 05 18:50:41 : prohibited.
Aug 05 18:50:41 : CPID= 13544 PPID= 1536 FILE= CenterOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:51:45 : Altair HyperMesh v2023.0.0.43
Aug 05 18:51:45 : Copyright (C)1990-2023 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 05 18:51:45 : Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not
Aug 05 18:51:45 : imply publication. Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly
Aug 05 18:51:45 : prohibited.
Aug 05 18:51:45 : CPID= 18504 PPID= 1536 FILE= CenterOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:52:49 : Altair HyperMesh v2023.0.0.43
Aug 05 18:52:49 : Copyright (C)1990-2023 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 05 18:52:49 : Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not
Aug 05 18:52:49 : imply publication. Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly
Aug 05 18:52:49 : prohibited.
Aug 05 18:52:49 : CPID= 11592 PPID= 1536 FILE= CenterOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:53:52 : ::hwbm::FailSafeBatchMesh return val = 137
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BatchMesher process completed
Aug 05 18:54:00 : CPID=  PPID= 28648 FILE= Run.hm


RUN started at Mon Aug 05 18:50:29 CST 2024
HWVersion: 23.0
PRE_GEOM:  D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
PRE_MESH:  D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
POST_MESH: D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
Models with INTERNAL errors:
CenterInner_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm has internal errors - Error(137): The HyperMesh process crashed.
LeftInner_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm has internal errors - Error(137): The HyperMesh process crashed.
LeftOuter_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm has internal errors - Error(137): The HyperMesh process crashed.
CenterOuter_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm has internal errors - Error(137): The HyperMesh process crashed.
               Model Name                 time    #fail  #    #      #  perc #fail quality
                                            sec err surfs faces splns  elems tria elems   index
Pre-Run procedure                                       Complete
CenterInner_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm                              has internal errors - Error(137): The HyperMesh process crashed.
LeftInner_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm                                has internal errors - Error(137): The HyperMesh process crashed.
LeftOuter_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm                                has internal errors - Error(137): The HyperMesh process crashed.
CenterOuter_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm                              has internal errors - Error(137): The HyperMesh process crashed.
Post-Run procedure                                      Complete
          TOTAL number of jobs in RUN:    6
                             FINISHED:    6 jobs
                                  ALL:    4 jobs
                       INTERNAL ERROR:    4 models
                                  ALL:    2 jobs
Last update: Mon Aug 05 18:54:10 CST 2024



GeomFile= Pre-Run procedure
TclFile=D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
JobIdx= 0
PrevJobIdx= -1

GeomFile= D:\Storage\other excercise\hw\LESSON\HyperWorks2022.2CN\HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2\02-Geometry-Handling\2F\representations\LeftInner_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm
GeomType= HyperMesh
MeshType= Common
CritFile= C:/Users/10316/.Altair/RepOptions/midsurface_10mm_skinoffset.criteria
ParamFile= D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/batchmesh/ModelBuild/midsurface_10mm_offset-planes-sweeps.param
Status=Error(137): The HyperMesh process crashed.
PreGeomFile=D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
PreMeshFile==D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
PostMeshFile=D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
JobIdx= 1
PrevJobIdx= -1

GeomFile= D:\Storage\other excercise\hw\LESSON\HyperWorks2022.2CN\HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2\02-Geometry-Handling\2F\representations\LeftOuter_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm
GeomType= HyperMesh
MeshType= Common
CritFile= C:/Users/10316/.Altair/RepOptions/midsurface_10mm_skinoffset.criteria
ParamFile= D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/batchmesh/ModelBuild/midsurface_10mm_offset-planes-sweeps.param
Status=Error(137): The HyperMesh process crashed.
PreGeomFile=D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
PreMeshFile==D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
PostMeshFile=D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
JobIdx= 2
PrevJobIdx= -1

GeomFile= D:\Storage\other excercise\hw\LESSON\HyperWorks2022.2CN\HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2\02-Geometry-Handling\2F\representations\CenterInner_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm
GeomType= HyperMesh
MeshType= Common
CritFile= C:/Users/10316/.Altair/RepOptions/midsurface_10mm_skinoffset.criteria
ParamFile= D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/batchmesh/ModelBuild/midsurface_10mm_offset-planes-sweeps.param
Status=Error(137): The HyperMesh process crashed.
PreGeomFile=D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
PreMeshFile==D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
PostMeshFile=D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
JobIdx= 3
PrevJobIdx= -1

GeomFile= D:\Storage\other excercise\hw\LESSON\HyperWorks2022.2CN\HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2\02-Geometry-Handling\2F\representations\CenterOuter_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm
GeomType= HyperMesh
MeshType= Common
CritFile= C:/Users/10316/.Altair/RepOptions/midsurface_10mm_skinoffset.criteria
ParamFile= D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/batchmesh/ModelBuild/midsurface_10mm_offset-planes-sweeps.param
Status=Error(137): The HyperMesh process crashed.
PreGeomFile=D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
PreMeshFile==D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
PostMeshFile=D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
JobIdx= 4
PrevJobIdx= -1

GeomFile= Post-Run procedure
TclFile=D:/Program Files/Altair/2023/hwdesktop/hm/scripts/br/views/modules/core/batchmesher/batchmesher_callbacks.tcl
JobIdx= 5
PrevJobIdx= -1


Aug 05 18:50:29 : Pre-Run starting
Aug 05 18:50:29 : --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aug 05 18:50:29 : Started: 
Aug,05 18:50:29 : hw_batchmesh started
Aug 05 18:50:29 : BMGUI: PID read. 
Aug 05 18:50:39 : BMGUI: Wait to finish process
Aug 05 18:50:39 : BMGUI: Process return value=0
Aug 05 18:50:39 : Pre-Run finished. retval = 0
Aug 05 18:50:39 : --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aug 05 18:50:39 : Started: D:\Storage\hm\bm_240805_001\TMP3\CenterInner_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:50:39 : hw_batchmesh started
Aug,05 18:50:39 : FailSafeBatchMesh str_geomFile = D:/Storage/other excercise/hw/LESSON/HyperWorks2022.2CN/HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2/02-Geometry-Handling/2F/representations/CenterInner_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm str_fileType = hm str_critFile=C:/Users/10316/.Altair/RepOptions/midsurface_10mm_skinoffset.criteria
Aug,05 18:50:41 : CPID= 1268 PPID= 16472 FILE= CenterInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug,05 18:50:41 : No PS command
Aug 05 18:50:41 : BMGUI: PID read. 
Aug,05 18:50:51 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:02 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:12 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:22 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:32 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:42 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:42 : PROC_CRASH_ERROR Can't find process PID=1268 file: CenterInner_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:51:45 : CPID= 6496 PPID= 16472 FILE= CenterInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug,05 18:51:45 : No PS command
Aug 05 18:51:45 : BMGUI: New PID found. 
Aug,05 18:51:55 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:05 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:15 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:25 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:36 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:46 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:46 : PROC_CRASH_ERROR Can't find process PID=6496 file: CenterInner_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:52:49 : CPID= 10368 PPID= 16472 FILE= CenterInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug,05 18:52:49 : No PS command
Aug 05 18:52:49 : BMGUI: New PID found. 
Aug,05 18:52:59 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:09 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:19 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:29 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:39 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:49 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:49 : PROC_CRASH_ERROR Can't find process PID=10368 file: CenterInner_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:53:51 : Model: D:/Storage/other excercise/hw/LESSON/HyperWorks2022.2CN/HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2/02-Geometry-Handling/2F/representations/CenterInner_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm ::hwbm::FailSafeBatchMesh return val = 137
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BMGUI: Done. 
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BMGUI: Wait to finish process
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BMGUI: Process return value=137
Aug 05 18:50:39 : --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aug 05 18:50:39 : Started: D:\Storage\hm\bm_240805_001\TMP1\LeftInner_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:50:39 : hw_batchmesh started
Aug,05 18:50:39 : FailSafeBatchMesh str_geomFile = D:/Storage/other excercise/hw/LESSON/HyperWorks2022.2CN/HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2/02-Geometry-Handling/2F/representations/LeftInner_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm str_fileType = hm str_critFile=C:/Users/10316/.Altair/RepOptions/midsurface_10mm_skinoffset.criteria
Aug,05 18:50:41 : CPID= 4860 PPID= 27444 FILE= LeftInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:50:41 : BMGUI: PID read. 
Aug,05 18:51:42 : PROC_CRASH_ERROR Can't find process PID=4860 file: LeftInner_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:51:45 : CPID= 5352 PPID= 27444 FILE= LeftInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:51:45 : BMGUI: New PID found. 
Aug,05 18:51:45 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:55 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:05 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:15 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:26 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:36 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:46 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:46 : PROC_CRASH_ERROR Can't find process PID=5352 file: LeftInner_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:52:49 : CPID= 21968 PPID= 27444 FILE= LeftInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug,05 18:52:49 : No PS command
Aug 05 18:52:49 : BMGUI: New PID found. 
Aug,05 18:52:59 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:09 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:19 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:29 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:40 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:50 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:50 : PROC_CRASH_ERROR Can't find process PID=21968 file: LeftInner_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:53:52 : Model: D:/Storage/other excercise/hw/LESSON/HyperWorks2022.2CN/HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2/02-Geometry-Handling/2F/representations/LeftInner_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm ::hwbm::FailSafeBatchMesh return val = 137
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BMGUI: Done. 
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BMGUI: Wait to finish process
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BMGUI: Process return value=137
Aug 05 18:50:39 : --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aug 05 18:50:39 : Started: D:\Storage\hm\bm_240805_001\TMP4\CenterOuter_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:50:39 : hw_batchmesh started
Aug,05 18:50:39 : FailSafeBatchMesh str_geomFile = D:/Storage/other excercise/hw/LESSON/HyperWorks2022.2CN/HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2/02-Geometry-Handling/2F/representations/CenterOuter_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm str_fileType = hm str_critFile=C:/Users/10316/.Altair/RepOptions/midsurface_10mm_skinoffset.criteria
Aug,05 18:50:41 : CPID= 13544 PPID= 1536 FILE= CenterOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug,05 18:50:41 : No PS command
Aug 05 18:50:41 : BMGUI: PID read. 
Aug,05 18:50:51 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:02 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:12 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:22 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:32 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:42 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:42 : PROC_CRASH_ERROR Can't find process PID=13544 file: CenterOuter_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:51:45 : CPID= 18504 PPID= 1536 FILE= CenterOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug,05 18:51:45 : No PS command
Aug 05 18:51:45 : BMGUI: New PID found. 
Aug,05 18:51:55 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:05 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:15 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:26 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:36 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:46 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:46 : PROC_CRASH_ERROR Can't find process PID=18504 file: CenterOuter_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:52:49 : CPID= 11592 PPID= 1536 FILE= CenterOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug,05 18:52:49 : No PS command
Aug 05 18:52:49 : BMGUI: New PID found. 
Aug,05 18:52:59 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:09 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:19 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:29 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:40 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:50 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:50 : PROC_CRASH_ERROR Can't find process PID=11592 file: CenterOuter_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:53:52 : Model: D:/Storage/other excercise/hw/LESSON/HyperWorks2022.2CN/HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2/02-Geometry-Handling/2F/representations/CenterOuter_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm ::hwbm::FailSafeBatchMesh return val = 137
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BMGUI: Done. 
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BMGUI: Wait to finish process
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BMGUI: Process return value=137
Aug 05 18:50:39 : --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aug 05 18:50:39 : Started: D:\Storage\hm\bm_240805_001\TMP2\LeftOuter_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:50:39 : hw_batchmesh started
Aug,05 18:50:39 : FailSafeBatchMesh str_geomFile = D:/Storage/other excercise/hw/LESSON/HyperWorks2022.2CN/HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2/02-Geometry-Handling/2F/representations/LeftOuter_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm str_fileType = hm str_critFile=C:/Users/10316/.Altair/RepOptions/midsurface_10mm_skinoffset.criteria
Aug,05 18:50:41 : CPID= 29360 PPID= 12432 FILE= LeftOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug,05 18:50:41 : No PS command
Aug 05 18:50:41 : BMGUI: PID read. 
Aug,05 18:50:51 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:02 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:12 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:22 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:32 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:42 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:51:42 : PROC_CRASH_ERROR Can't find process PID=29360 file: LeftOuter_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:51:45 : CPID= 30008 PPID= 12432 FILE= LeftOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug,05 18:51:45 : No PS command
Aug 05 18:51:45 : BMGUI: New PID found. 
Aug,05 18:51:55 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:05 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:15 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:26 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:36 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:46 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:52:46 : PROC_CRASH_ERROR Can't find process PID=30008 file: LeftOuter_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:52:49 : CPID= 26240 PPID= 12432 FILE= LeftOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug,05 18:52:49 : No PS command
Aug 05 18:52:49 : BMGUI: New PID found. 
Aug,05 18:52:59 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:09 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:19 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:29 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:40 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:50 : No PS command
Aug,05 18:53:50 : PROC_CRASH_ERROR Can't find process PID=26240 file: LeftOuter_A_Common_A_-_1_res.txt
Aug,05 18:53:52 : Model: D:/Storage/other excercise/hw/LESSON/HyperWorks2022.2CN/HyperWorks-for-Pre-Processing-v2022.2/02-Geometry-Handling/2F/representations/LeftOuter_A_CAD_A_-_1.hm ::hwbm::FailSafeBatchMesh return val = 137
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BMGUI: Done. 
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BMGUI: Wait to finish process
Aug 05 18:53:52 : BMGUI: Process return value=137
Aug 05 18:53:52 : Error code: 137 model=D:\Storage\hm\bm_240805_001\CenterInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:53:53 : Error code: 137 model=D:\Storage\hm\bm_240805_001\LeftInner_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:53:53 : Error code: 137 model=D:\Storage\hm\bm_240805_001\LeftOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:53:53 : Error code: 137 model=D:\Storage\hm\bm_240805_001\CenterOuter_A_Common_A_-_1.hm
Aug 05 18:53:59 : Post-Run starting
Aug 05 18:53:59 : --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aug 05 18:53:59 : Started: 
Aug,05 18:54:00 : hw_batchmesh started
Aug 05 18:54:00 : BMGUI: PID read. 
Aug 05 18:54:10 : BMGUI: Wait to finish process
Aug 05 18:54:10 : BMGUI: Process return value=0
Aug 05 18:54:10 : Post-Run finished. retval = 0

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