abaqus动力显式模拟挤压,在运行一定过程,网格畸变过大,报错,想了解如何解决? 24

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The elements in element set ErrElemZeroALEMass-Step1 have zero or negative mass.

There are a total of 7 excessively distorted elements

The elements contained in element set ErrElemExcessDistortion-Step1 have distorted excessively.
The elements contained in element set ErrElemExcessDistortion-Step1 have distorted excessively.


***WARNING: Master surface ASSEMBLY_SURF-CU-3 of contact pair # 5 contains

           facets with out-of-plane warping of at least 20.000 degrees in

           increment 22480. Large warping that develops during an analysis

           often corresponds to severe distortion of the underlying elements.

           It may be appropriate to rerun the analysis with a refined mesh.


   22776 5.442E-01 5.442E-01 00:39:14 2.400E-05       5853 7.245E+06 -3.111E+08 9.999E+05



***ERROR: Zero or negative mass in element number P2CULAYER-1.54179

***ERROR: Zero or negative mass in element number P2CULAYER-1.54186

***ERROR: Zero or negative mass in element number P2CULAYER-1.55131

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 54186 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 55131 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 55369 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 55376 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 55377 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 55383 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 55384 of instance P2CULAYER-1

 Excessive distortion of element number 55384 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***WARNING: Mechanical penalty contact between surfaces ASSEMBLY_M_SURF-1 and

           ASSEMBLY_S_SURF-1 is causing a 72.434% reduction in the time


***ERROR: There are a total of 7 excessively distorted elements

  The following checklist may be helpful in diagnosing the error:

   1. Check for poor initial mesh definition.

   2. Check the parameters used for ALE. Reducing the number of

      increments between ALE or increasing the number of sweeps in each ALE

      increment may yield a better mesh.

   3. Check contact definitions for problems such as excessive initial

      overclosure or unrealistic tied definition between contact pairs.

      A vector plot of velocities or accelerations will usually help to

      identify contact problems.

   4. Check stiffness (elastic modulus) and mass (density) definitions for

      consistent units and verify that the combination is reasonable.

   5. Check the boundary conditions for an excessive loading rate. The

      *DIAGNOSTICS, DEFORMATION SPEED=DETAIL option may be used to obtain

      detailed diagnostics information.

   6. Check the current status of the structure to see if it has

      totally failed.

   7. A dashpot or a very stiff spring may cause the analysis to go unstable.

      The *DYNAMIC, DIRECT option may be used to control the time increment


***ERROR: The fatal error will generate a new field output in the last

         increment. All variables applicable to the current procedure and

         material type(s) will be written to the output database.

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 47173 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 47179 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 47185 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 47186 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 47187 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 47939 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 47946 of instance P2CULAYER-1

***ERROR: Excessive distortion of element number 48163 of instance P2CULAYER-1

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