- 提交inp文件报错,求大佬解释一下!!谢谢!!!? 5个回答
Error in job bcs-1: in keyword *BOUNDARY, file "bcs_1.inp", line 8440: Unknown assembly node set BOTTOM Error in job bcs-1: in keyword *BOUNDARY, file "bcs_1.inp", line 8453: Unknown assembly node set
- 谁知道abaqus零主轴怎么办,求求各位大神指导 2个回答
Solver problem. Zero pivot when processing D.O.F. 3 of 1 nodes. The nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeSolvProbZeroPiv_3_2_1_1_1. Solver problem. Zero pivot when processing D.O.F. 3 of 1 n
- 求大神,ABAQUS,边界条件不活跃,肿么办呐? 13个回答
做磨粒切削仿真时 The job input file "Steady_cutting.inp" has been submitted for analysis. Error in job Steady_cutting: A BOUNDARY CONDITION HAS BEEN SPECIFIED ON NODE SET ASSEMBLY_REF_GEO BUT THIS NODE SET IS