请教下给位老师们,为什么我在K文件中将空气水写成PART set,然后加*damping_part_mass就出显现超出范围的错误,而给水单独加damp就是对的,不知道什么原因?请老师们帮我看看,以前给part set加就是对的,现在的案列是水下面的壳体里面还填充了部分空气
请教下给位老师们,为什么我在K文件中将空气水写成PART set,然后加*damping_part_mass就出显现超出范围的错误,而给水单独加damp就是对的,不知道什么原因?请老师们帮我看看,以前给part set加就是对的,现在的案列是水下面的壳体里面还填充了部分空气
*** Error 20216 (STR+216)
part # 4 is out-of-range
1.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00
input phase will continue if possible
contracting memory to 1645160 transformation to move nodes
expanding memory to 1683628 ale reference system
expanding memory to 1683923 ALE fsi control block
expanding memory to 1683927 ALE fsi node and seg list
expanding memory to 1695927 ALE fsi seg connectivity
expanding memory to 2037723 ALE fsi coupling forces
expanding memory to 2065587 void materials
expanding memory to 2079439 interfac for file
contracting memory to 2072497 thermal expansion 0
expanding memory to 2072501 mat add cohesive 0
expanding memory to 2072505 flexible body 2
contracting memory to 2072505 implicit joints
*** Error 20018 (STR+18)
input phase completed with 1 fatal errors
please check messag file