请教各位老师,在我做的流固耦合算理中,模型的底面节点采取全约束,模型与xoy平面平行的两个边面上的节点采取Uz=0约束,而两个侧边面上的节点采取Ux=0约束,模型的顶面节点采取无反射边界约束(等下附上模型示意图),目的:观察初始时刻在水里的密度为300kg/m*m*m的结构物的运动情况(初始速度为0)。所以,要先将该模型的流体静水压调制平衡。因而采取了施加全场重力*load_body_y和*damping_part_mass来调节。但是计算结果显示part set#(水、空气partset)out-of-range,请老师们解释一下错误原因,谢谢啦。
*** Error 20216 (STR+216)
part # 12 is out-of-range
1.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00
input phase will continue if possible
contracting memory to 12495097 transformation to move nodes
expanding memory to 12735718 ale reference system
expanding memory to 12735864 ALE fsi control block
expanding memory to 12735867 ALE fsi node and seg list
expanding memory to 12741867 ALE fsi seg connectivity
expanding memory to 12970748 ALE fsi coupling forces
expanding memory to 13181636 void materials
expanding memory to 13287050 interfac for file
contracting memory to 13234346 thermal expansion 0
expanding memory to 13234349 mat add cohesive 0
expanding memory to 13234352 flexible body 2
contracting memory to 13234352 implicit joints
*** Error 20018 (STR+18)
input phase completed with 1 fatal errors
please check messag file
@周游 @Ileana @蓝牙 @韩韩 @韩老师 @csuperfect @寒风F @猴小怪
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