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For fully integrated first-order isoparametric elements (4-node elements in two dimensions and 8-node elements in three dimensions) the actual volume changes at the Gauss points are replaced by the average volume change of the element. This is also known as the selectively reduced-integration technique, because the order of integration is reduced in selected terms, or as the technique, because the order of integration is reduced in selected terms, or as the technique, since the strain-displacement relation (β-matrix) is modified. This technique helps to prevent mesh locking and, thus, provides accurate solutions in incompressible or nearly incompressible cases: see Nagtegaal et al. (1974). In addition, Abaqus uses the average strain in the third (out-of-plane) direction for axisymmetric and generalized plane strain problems. Hence, in the two-dimensional elements only the in-plane terms need to be modified. In the three-dimensional elements the complete volumetric terms are modified. This may cause slightly different behavior between plane strain elements and three-dimensional elements for which a plane strain condition is enforced by boundary conditions. 也就是说在ABAQUS中为了避免单元的自锁现象,它采用了用平均体积变形代替真实体积变形,对标准的平面应变进行了修正!这就是为什么推导出来的单元刚度矩阵和UEL中的刚度矩阵不同的原因了! 也可以得到这样的结论,在涉及到单元受到弯矩作用的情况,abaqus 的一阶4节点的等参单元要比ansys的plan42 option(2)=1的结果更接近真实情况! |
在umat中也可能出现这样的情况,比如塑性更新,abaqus为了提供收敛性,也许不是直接采用径向返回方法,而是采用了一些处理方法,这可能对后期应力和应变的外推 磨平等有影响!