浏览:1289 回答:3
背景:用abaqus 建钢框架;钢梁、钢柱均采用壳单元;因不考虑节点焊缝的影响,梁柱节点刚性连接,用tie绑定。 问题:想请教一下,在梁柱壳单元的接触面,用surface-surface;计算时报错;“62 nodes are used more than once as a slave node in *TIE keyword. These constraints are not removed either due to the presence of *CONSTRAINT CONTROLS,NO CHANGES keyword or because removing the constraints might affect the model. The nodes have been identified in node set ErrNodeOverconTieSlave.” 这个问题该从哪个方面去找原因并解决呢?