“For node list paths, the node labels that constitute the path are equally applicable to undeformed and deformed model shapes. However, point list path coordinates remain fixed in space and are independent of your model. For example, coordinates that coincide with a nodal location on the undeformed shape may not coincide with any location on the deformed shape. Values obtained using point list path coordinates and the deformed model are affected by the deformation scale factor. Abaqus does not form data pairs for points that do not coincide with your model.”这是abaqus帮助文档里面的一段话,大概意思就是说选择单元节点生成路径的话,因为节点是固定的,不管变形与否,abaqus就可以生成图像,因为单元节点一直都在模型上,随着模型的变形而改变。但是选择点的话,因为abaqus记录的是点的空间坐标,变形后的点的坐标就变了,这时你选择的点不在你的模型上,abaqus就不能生成图像。因为你选择的是点,而不是节点,所以才会提示你说的那个。在这里我觉得直接选择“未变形(undeformed)”就可以生成图像了,当然,你定义的路径也必须是在“未变形(undeformed)”的状态下的模型上定义的。要想生成变形后的数据图像,只能选择定义节点路径。详细的可以去看看abaqus documentation。这是我的理解。如有错,请指教。
“For node list paths, the node labels that constitute the path are equally applicable to undeformed and deformed model shapes. However, point list path coordinates remain fixed in space and are independent of your model. For example, coordinates that coincide with a nodal location on the undeformed shape may not coincide with any location on the deformed shape. Values obtained using point list path coordinates and the deformed model are affected by the deformation scale factor. Abaqus does not form data pairs for points that do not coincide with your model.”这是abaqus帮助文档里面的一段话,大概意思就是说选择单元节点生成路径的话,因为节点是固定的,不管变形与否,abaqus就可以生成图像,因为单元节点一直都在模型上,随着模型的变形而改变。但是选择点的话,因为abaqus记录的是点的空间坐标,变形后的点的坐标就变了,这时你选择的点不在你的模型上,abaqus就不能生成图像。因为你选择的是点,而不是节点,所以才会提示你说的那个。在这里我觉得直接选择“未变形(undeformed)”就可以生成图像了,当然,你定义的路径也必须是在“未变形(undeformed)”的状态下的模型上定义的。要想生成变形后的数据图像,只能选择定义节点路径。详细的可以去看看abaqus documentation。这是我的理解。如有错,请指教。