浏览:1639 回答:5
我建立了一个冲击模型,用的是子程序,为什么1焦耳的能量可以实现,4焦耳的就不行,出现网格畸变,报错,跪求大神指导,The executable explicit.exe aborted with system error code 1. Please check the .dat, .msg, and .sta files for error messages if the files exist. If there are no error messages and you cannot resolve the problem, please run the command "abaqus job=support information=support" to report and save your system information. Use the same command to run Abaqus that you used when the problem occurred. Please contact your local Abaqus support office and send them the input file, the file support.log which you just created, the executable name, and the error code.