使用cfx模拟出错,求教原因? 70

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提示The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1.   No results file has been created.求教什么原因

 ERROR #002100048 has occurred in subroutine SU_BNEXT.              |

 | Message:                                                           |

 | All vertices for a fluid domain lie on boundaries.  This is        |

 | considered to be a fatal error because control volume gradients    |

 | cannot be calculated, leading to serious discretization error.     |

 |                                                                    |

 | A common cause for this error is a mesh which is only one          |

 | element thick, without symmetry or 1:1 periodicity on the lateral  |

 | boundaries.  If you have this situation, and the domain is         |

 | two-dimensional, please change the lateral boundary conditions     |

 | to symmetry or 1:1 periodicity.  Alternatively, for                |

 | three-dimensional simulations, please ensure that your mesh        |

 | has at least two elements across.                                  |

 |                                                                    |

 | Execution is terminating.  This error message can be bypassed by   |

 | setting the expert parameter 'boundary vertex check = f', but      |

 | be aware that doing so may lead to sigificant solution error.

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