mimics文件导入问题? 300
mimics3D建模后导入ansys的过程中出现“triangle element 8912 has an angle between adjacent edges of 169.5 degrees, which exceeds the warning limit of 165 degrees" "triangle element 8912 has an aspect of 39.08, which exceeds the warning limit of 20".模型导入后可以见到3维图像, 但出现”unreasonably sheaped area" ,不能进行操作,ansys卡住,只能退出 为了解决这一问题我用mimics划分网格后再导进ansys时又出现“shape testing revealed that 22 of the 237 new or modified elements violate shape warning limits . to review test results, please see the output file or issue the check mand. ” 网格文件不能导入。这是怎么回事,如何解决