The co-simulation technique is a multiphysics capability that provides several functions, available withinAbaqus or as separate add-on analysis capabilities for run , for run-time coupling of Abaqus and anotheranalysis program;• Within the context of XFEM, co-simulation technique makes complex fracture analyses feasible bycoupling Abaqus/Standard to Abaqus/Explicit;Dassault Systèmes |• Abaqus/Standard provides XFEM• Abaqus/Explicit is more efficient for solving complex contact interactions• Identify an interface region using either node sets or surfaces when coupling Abaqus/Standard to| www.3ds.com | ©Abaqus/Explicit;• Time increments do not have to be the same-allow Abaqus to subcycle;• For Abaqus/Standard to Abaqus/Explicit co-simulation, you do not define the fields exchanged; they aredetermined automatically according to the procedures and co-simulation parameters used
The co-simulation technique is a multiphysics capability that provides several functions, available within
Abaqus or as separate add-on analysis capabilities for run , for run-time coupling of Abaqus and another
analysis program;
• Within the context of XFEM, co-simulation technique makes complex fracture analyses feasible by
coupling Abaqus/Standard to Abaqus/Explicit;
Dassault Systèmes |
• Abaqus/Standard provides XFEM
• Abaqus/Explicit is more efficient for solving complex contact interactions
• Identify an interface region using either node sets or surfaces when coupling Abaqus/Standard to
| www.3ds.com | ©
• Time increments do not have to be the same-allow Abaqus to subcycle;
• For Abaqus/Standard to Abaqus/Explicit co-simulation, you do not define the fields exchanged; they are
determined automatically according to the procedures and co-simulation parameters used