simufact.welding 中出现 aborted with exit 1009,请老师指教? 70

浏览:1371 回答:1

9999 1009

Error encountered in stress recovery. The output will reveal

which element has a particular problem. The error is usually

due to excessive deformation in the element. Note that this

can occur during the iterative process, so that it is not

always possible to visualize the excessive deformation.

Check the material behavior and the magnitude of the

incremental loads.

Suggestion : 


Activate the cut-back feature if using the AUTO LOAD, AUTO

STEP or AUTO INCREMENT solution schemes. This will allow the

analysis to automatically cut down the time step and to try

again from the end of the last converged increment. For the

AUTO LOAD procedure, the increment numbers are maintained as

specified in the input.

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