ABAQUS 超弹性问题设置?
模型为以橡胶衬套,在Hypermesh划分六面体网格导入ABAQUS计算,采用Yeoh模型,输入系数,计算是报错,The initial bulk modulus of 20000. Exceeds 100 times the initial shear modulus of 1.5410 (the initial poisson ratio 0.49996 exceeds 0.495) for the hyperelastic material named rubber. However, a hybrid type element is not used. This may cause convergence problems. It is recommended that you change the element type to a hybrid element; however you can also convert this error message to a warning message by setting the environment variable nonhybrid_incompress to warning or by adding *diagnostics, nonhybrid=warning to the input file (not recommended).
查阅资料,可以采用杂交单元。请问hypermesh导入的网格,在abaqus的网格模块更改单元属性可以变成杂交单元吗? 尝试过更改网格属性还是报错,请问问题出在哪里
在standard裡面,如果採用超彈性材料,如果蒲松比給超過0.49(or 0.495),就會跳出警告訊息說必須採用hybrid元素來處理,hybrid元素有額外的壓力自由度,可以解決數值上不收斂的問題。
Hypermesh只是進行網格劃分,在Abaqus內可以調整網格屬性,有一個選項,只要打勾就是考慮成hybrid元素,在元素代號後面會有一個H,例如C3D8RH, C3D10H等。如果選擇hybrid元素依然出錯,就有可能是其他的問題,請在查看模型的設置。