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Whenever a translation (rotation) dof at a node is constrained by a kinematic coupling definition the translation (rotation) dofs for that node cannot be included in any other constraint including mpcs, rigid bodies, etc.Not all the nodes that do not find intersection with the master surface are printed. However all of these nodes have been included in a node set.For *tie pair (assembly_suliao-2-assembly_lungu-1_lungu), not all the nodes that have been adjusted were printed. Specify *preprint,model=yes for complete printout.MPCS (EXTERNAL or INTERNAL, including those generated from rigid body definitions), KINEMATIC COUPLINGS, AND/OR EQUATIONS WILL ACTIVATE ADDITIONAL DEGREES OF FREEDOMNode set assembly_set-3 has no members and will be ignored. Nodes defined in this set may have been deleted because they were not connected to any elements.There are 2 unconnected regions in the model.Solver problem. Zero pivot when processing D.O.F. 1 of 49 nodes. The nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeSolvProbZeroPiv_1_1_1_1_1.

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