
1. 来自ls-dyna 航空工作组的一个总结性ppt和k文件
2.1 螺栓和螺帽采用beam
2.2螺杆采用beam 螺帽采用shell
2.3 螺杆采用beam 螺帽采用solid
2.4 纯solid
直接上ppt 和k文件
2 包括显式和隐式两种方法
2.1 螺栓和螺帽采用beam(type A)
This bolt type uses one beam element along with a head and nut represented by circular beam spider meshes. This model is beneficial due to the fact that it is simple and fast to design. The drawbacks of this model are that slipping motion cannot be captured between the nut or head. Also, the connection could be too stiff for loads above the service load of the bolt. Other considerations are that only one element can be used for the shank and the material card is limited to *MAT_SPOTWELD.
2.2螺杆采用beam 螺帽采用shell
This bolt type uses a beam element for the shank and shell elements for the head and nut. An important note is that the PID of the head and nut need to be added to *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_SINGLE_SURFACE. Null beams can also be added to the model to help with the contact. The benefits of this method are that it can capture the onset of slipping. The drawbacks are that this method can be tedious if the hole bearing behavior needs to be investigated. Also, this technique is not good for calculating bolt shear failure.
2.3 螺杆采用beam 螺帽采用solid
his bolt uses a beam element for the shank and solid element for the head and nut. This bolt type is not typically used. This is due to the fact that it is tedious and does not have much added benefit over the bolt type b.
2.4 纯solid
This bolt type uses solid elements for the shank, head, and nut. It should be noted that hexahedron elements are recommended to be used. It is advised to not use tetrahedron elements. This application is beneficial in that it has a full choice of material models. It also allows the bolt stresses to be calculated along the entire shank. The drawback of this method is that selective mass scaling may be required to reduce the critical timestep. More and more users are switching to using these bolts in their models.
说明: 做这个方面的整理工作,目的是怕自己以后又要花时间整理,放在jishulink上就当作是一个笔记好了! 收取一定的整理费用!呵呵
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