Diffpack Overview

Diffpack Product Line

The Diffpack Product Line is an object-oriented problem-solving environment for PDEs.

Click on the above navigation bar for information about the Diffpack Kernel and its toolboxes.

Diffpack Demos

  • Slide Show

  • Summary Article

  • Functionality List

  • System Requirements

  • Complete, Flexible and Efficient
    The Diffack 4.0 Product Line consists of the following units:

    • Diffpack Kernel 4.0

    • Diffpack Adaptivity Toolbox 1.2

    • Diffpack Datafilter Toolbox 1.2

    • Diffpack Multilevel Toolbox 1.2

    • Diffpack Parallel Toolbox I 1.2
    These products gives you a complete set of C++ tools to create advanced numerical applications.

    Diffpack allows easy modification and combination of all numerical building blocks, resulting in few restrictions on the types of PDEs you can solve.

    Diffpack's layered design ensures flexible APIs and computational efficiency competing with tailored FORTRAN codes.

    Technology Leaders are Using Diffpack
    Technology leaders such as Intel, Petrobras, DaimlerChrysler, NASA, Canon, CEA, Shell, Siemens, Mitsubishi, Sandia Nat. Lab., US Air Force, Natexis BP and universities like Stanford, Cambridge, Bristol, Cornell, Rice, Chalmers and EPFL are using Diffpack in areas like geology, geophysics, chemistry, finance, medicine, physics, electronics, mechanics and mathematics.

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