大理地震记录(Earthquake in Dali)

大理地震记录(Earthquake in Dali)的图1

1 引言

5月21日晚上8点至11点, 云南大理附近发生多次地震, 已经造成1人死亡, 3人被埋. 

大理地震记录(Earthquake in Dali)的图2

2 地震震级(Magnitude)


大理地震记录(Earthquake in Dali)的图3

大理地震记录(Earthquake in Dali)的图4

大理地震记录(Earthquake in Dali)的图5

大理地震记录(Earthquake in Dali)的图6

大理地震记录(Earthquake in Dali)的图7

3 地震烈度(Intensity)


大理地震记录(Earthquake in Dali)的图8

4 滑坡评价(Landslides)

预计很少或没有山体滑坡,但在高度易受影响的地区可能发生一些山体滑坡。(Little or no landsliding is expected, but some landslides could have occurred in highly susceptible areas. )

居住在这次地震中可能产生滑坡的地区附近的人数不多,但在高度易受影响的地区仍有可能发生滑坡损害或死亡。这不是对山体滑坡死亡或损失的直接估计。(The number of people living near areas that could have produced landslides in this earthquake is low, but landslide damage or fatalities are still possible in highly susceptible areas. This is not a direct estimate of landslide fatalities or losses.)

5 液化评价(Liquefaction)

预计很少或没有液化,但在高度易受影响的地区可能发生一些液化。(Little or no liquefaction is expected, but some liquefaction could have occurred in highly susceptible areas.)

居住在这次地震中可能产生液化的地区附近的人数是有限的。这不是对液化的死亡或损失的直接估计。(The number of people living near areas that could have produced liquefaction in this earthquake is limited. This is not a direct estimate of liquefaction fatalities or losses.)

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