
2022年元旦起,AQWA频域/频谱/时域后处理均突然报错plt文件不存在,导致曲线无法查看。 临时解决对策如下 Hello all, We have discovered a 'Y2K-style' bug in the Aqwa solver. At the moment I can provide a workaround which will allow you to evaluate results in Aqwa Workbench: Create some empty files with file extensions of PLD and PLS, somewhere on your hard drive (not in the solver files directory! - the user_files folder may be a good choice). Use the following file names depending on the type of hydrodynamic analysis you are running: Analysis.PLD and Analysis.PLS for a Hydrodynamic Diffraction analysis; Equilibrium.PLD and Equilibrium.PLS for a Hydrodynamic Response stability analysis; TimeResponse.PLD and TimeResponse.PLS for a Hydrodynamic Response time domain analysis; Frequency.PLD and Frequency.PLS for a Hydrodynamic Response frequency statistical analysis. Solve the Aqwa Workbench analysis after the PLD/PLS files have been created. The Aqwa output files must be newer than the dummy PLD/PLS files. Copy the dummy PLD and PLS files into the Workbench solver files directory. Note that the PLD/PLS file names should match the names of the other files in there. Evaluate the graphical results in Aqwa Workbench. As long as the PLD and PLS files exist, and their modified time is older than the Aqwa output PLT file, they will get regenerated by Aqwa Workbench and we can plot graphical results. Please let me know if you have any problems or questions. Best regards 以上为临时对策,彻底解决只能等未来版本修复该Bug 祝工作愉快! 刘尧 博士/ANSYS高级工程师/ANSYS高级培训师 www.ansys123.com
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