








1 成样、预压、围压


model new def chicun_par    sample_rad=1    sample_hight=sample_rad*4        keli_rdmin=0.04    keli_rdmax=0.06end@chicun_par

model domain extent [-sample_rad*2] [sample_rad*2] [-sample_rad*2] [sample_rad*2] [-sample_hight*1.5] [sample_hight*1.5]

[n=1.4]model random 10001wall generate cylinder base 0 0 [-sample_hight*0.5*n] axis 0 0 1 ... height [sample_hight*n] radius [sample_rad] resolution 0.3 cap false false

wall generate plane position 0 0 [sample_hight*0.5] dip 0 dip-direction 0wall generate plane position 0 0 [-sample_hight*0.5] dip 0 dip-direction 0

ball distribute group "shiyang" radius [keli_rdmin] [keli_rdmax] porosity 0.28 ... range cylinder end-1 0 0 [sample_hight*0.5-keli_rdmin] ... end-2 0 0 [-sample_hight*0.5+keli_rdmin] radius [sample_rad-keli_rdmin]

cmat default type ball-facet model linear method deform emod 100e6 kratio 1.5 property fric 0.2cmat default type ball-ball model linear method deform emod 100e6 kratio 1.5 ball attribute density 2.7e3 damp 0.7model cycle 2000 calm 50

model solve

model save "sample"

model restore "sample"

ball property "fric" 0.5def wp_wall wp_up=wall.find(2) wp_down=wall.find(3) wp_rr=wall.find(1) loop foreach vt wall.vertexlist(wp_rr) vert_in_ce=vt endloopend@wp_wall



[sevro_freq=100][timestepNow=global.step-1]def servo_walls computer_wallStress if timestepNow<global.step then get_gain(sevro_fac) timestepNow+=sevro_freq endif if do_zservo=true then z_vel=gz*(wszz-tzz) wall.vel.z(wp_up)=-z_vel wall.vel.z(wp_down)=z_vel endif if do_rservo=true then r_vel_mag=(-1)*gr*(wsrr-tzz) loop foreach vt wall.vertexlist(wp_rr) mag=math.sqrt(wall.vertex.pos.x(vt)^2+wall.vertex.pos.y(vt)^2) fang_normal_x=wall.vertex.pos.x(vt)/mag fang_normal_y=wall.vertex.pos.y(vt)/mag r_vel=vector(fang_normal_x,fang_normal_y,0)*r_vel_mag wall.vertex.vel(vt)=r_vel endloop endif end

def computer_chicun x_pos=wall.vertex.pos.x(vert_in_ce) y_pos=wall.vertex.pos.y(vert_in_ce) wlr=math.sqrt(x_pos^2+y_pos^2) wlz=wall.pos.z(wp_up)-wall.pos.z(wp_down)end

def computer_wallStress computer_chicun ding_yuanmianji=math.pi*wlr^2 wszz=(wall.force.contact.z(wp_down)-wall.force.contact.z(wp_up))*0.5/ding_yuanmianji ce_mianji=2*math.pi*wlr*wlz wsrr=0 loop foreach ft wall.facetlist(wp_rr) ft_fangxiang=wall.facet.normal(ft) loop foreach ct wall.facet.contactmap(ft) force_in_facet=contact.force.global(ct) wsrr+=-(math.dot(force_in_facet,ft_fangxiang))/ce_mianji endloop endloop end

def get_gain(fac) gz=0 gr=0 zonggangZ=0 zonggangR=0 loop foreach ct wall.contactmap(wp_up) zonggangZ+=contact.prop(ct,"kn") endloop loop foreach ct wall.contactmap(wp_down) zonggangZ+=contact.prop(ct,"kn") endloop loop foreach ct wall.contactmap(wp_rr) zonggangR+=contact.prop(ct,"kn") endloop gz=fac*ding_yuanmianji/(zonggangZ*global.timestep) gr=fac*ce_mianji/(zonggangR*global.timestep) end

fish callback add @servo_walls -1.0

history id 1 @wszzhistory id 2 @wsrr

model cycle 1model solvemodel save "yuya"

model restore "yuya"


model cycle 1 model solve

model save "weiya"

2 加柔性膜


    这里使用的是一个拉伸的方式建立一个圆柱体,geometry edge 通过四个1/4圆构造一个圆,然后通过extrude 方法讲圆拉伸为一个圆柱。里面的segment变量指定了节点的密度。


    之后和之前一样,将膜分成上、中、下三部分。上、下的节点我们需要将速度固定住。中部的shell我们可以通过structure shell apply指定法向的应力,这里完全替代了颗粒膜复杂繁琐的节点力算法。上下的墙体我们用还是用伺服,这里没有像传统的一样指定vmax,好像效果好很多。


model restore "weiya"

fish callback remove @servo_walls -1.0[segments = 12][rad=wlr*1.01]

geometry edge create by-arc origin (0,0,[-wlz*0.6]) ... start ([rad*(-1)],0,[-wlz*0.6]) end (0,[rad*(-1)],[-wlz*0.6]) ... segments [segments]geometry edge create by-arc origin (0,0,[-wlz*0.6]) ... start (0,[rad*(-1)],[-wlz*0.6]) end ([rad],0,[-wlz*0.6]) ... segments [segments]geometry edge create by-arc origin (0,0,[-wlz*0.6]) ... start ([rad],0,[-wlz*0.6]) end (0,[rad],[-wlz*0.6]) ... segments [segments]geometry edge create by-arc origin (0,0,[-wlz*0.6]) ... start (0,[rad],[-wlz*0.6]) end ([rad*(-1)],0,[-wlz*0.6]) ... segments [segments];extrude the edges to make a cylindergeometry generate from-edges extrude (0,0,[wlz*1.2]) segments [segments*2]

structure shell import from-geometry 'Default' element-type dkt-cst structure shell property isotropic (1e6, 0.0) thick 0.25 density 930.0

structure node group 'top' range position-z [wlz*0.48] [wlz*0.6]structure node group 'btm' range position-z [-wlz*0.6] [-wlz*0.48]structure node group 'mid' range position-z [-wlz*0.48] [wlz*0.48]structure shell group 'mid' range position-z [-wlz*0.48] [wlz*0.48]wall deletewall generate id 1 cylinder base 0 0 [wlz*0.5] axis 0 0 1 radius [wlr] height [keli_rdmax*10] one-wallwall generate id 2 cylinder base 0 0 [-wlz*0.5] axis 0 0 -1 radius [wlr] height [keli_rdmax*10] one-wall

structure damp localstructure shell apply [trr] range group 'mid'structure node fix velocity rotation range group "top"structure node fix velocity rotation range group "btm"wall servo force (0,0,[-tzz*math.pi*wlr*wlr]) activate true ... range id 2wall servo force (0,0,[tzz*math.pi*wlr*wlr]) activate true ... range id 1wall-structure create

measure create id 1 position 0 0 0 radius [wlr*0.4][mp=measure.find(1)]

def wp_wall wp_up=wall.find(1) wp_down=wall.find(2)end@wp_walldef jiance_measure stressXX=measure.stress.xx(mp) stressYY=measure.stress.yy(mp) stressZZ=measure.stress.zz(mp) ding_yuanmianji=math.pi*wlr^2 wszz=(wall.force.contact.z(wp_down)-wall.force.contact.z(wp_up))*0.5/ding_yuanmianjiendfish callback add @jiance_measure -1history deletehistory id 10 @stressXXhistory id 11 @stressYYhistory id 12 @stressZZhistory id 1 @wszz

model cycle 200model solve ratio-average 6e-5

model save "rouxing"






model restore "rouxing"

wall servo activate false range id 2wall servo activate false range id 1

history delete ball attribute displacement multiply 0[strainRate=5e-2]

wall attribute velocity-z [strainRate*wlz] range id 2wall attribute velocity-z [-strainRate*wlz] range id 1

structure node initialize velocity-z [strainRate*wlz] range group "btm"structure node initialize velocity-z [-strainRate*wlz] range group "top"

[Iz0=wall.pos.z(wp_up)-wall.pos.z(wp_down)-keli_rdmax*10]def jiance stressXX=measure.stress.xx(mp) stressYY=measure.stress.yy(mp) stressZZ=measure.stress.zz(mp) wlz=wall.pos.z(wp_up)-wall.pos.z(wp_down)-keli_rdmax*10 wezz=(wlz-Iz0)/Iz0 ding_yuanmianji=math.pi*wlr^2 wszz=(wall.force.contact.z(wp_down)-wall.force.contact.z(wp_up))*0.5/ding_yuanmianjiendfish callback add @jiance -1

history id 10 @stressXXhistory id 11 @stressYYhistory id 12 @stressZZhistory id 1 @wszzhistory id 2 @wezz

[stop_me=0]def stop_me if wezz<-20e-2 then stop_me=1 endifend

[baocunpinlv=1e-2][time_record=wezz+1][count=0]def savefile if time_record-wezz >= baocunpinlv then filename=string.build("jieguo_%1",count) command model save @filename endcommand time_record=wezz count +=1 endif endfish callback add @savefile -1.0

model solve fishhalt @stop_memodel save "result"











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