
 Beginning of keyword reader                                   05/10/22 12:18:29

 Memory required to process keyword     :    19091970

 *** Warning 20282 (STR+282)
     warpage angle of element ID= 2366 is computed as 1.6715E+02 degrees.

 *** Warning 20282 (STR+282)
     warpage angle of element ID= 2373 is computed as 1.2494E+02 degrees.

 *** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID 2373 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 1.6488E-03
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

 *** Warning 30100 (INI+100)
     element ID 136741 is a very badly
     shaped element-possibly unstable.
     Possible reason for error termination.

 *** Warning 30100 (INI+100)
     element ID 136741 is a very badly
     shaped element-possibly unstable.
     Possible reason for error termination.

 *** Warning 20282 (STR+282)
     warpage angle of element ID= 136745 is computed as 2.8588E+01 degrees.

 *** Warning 20289 (STR+289)
     Number of elements exceed warpage angle = 3
       min warpage angle = 2.8588E+01
       max warpage angle = 1.6715E+02

 input of data is completed

 *** Warning 30104 (INI+104)
     all contact segments are reversed.
     interface # 1 slave side

 *** Error 30099 (INI+99)
     element ID 136741 has a zero normal vector.

 initial kinetic energy =            NaN

 *** Error 30099 (INI+99)
     element ID 136741 has a zero normal vector.

 *** Warning 30131 (INI+131)
     total number of massless nodes = 14

 The LS-DYNA time step size should not exceed     3.112E-04
 to avoid contact instabilities.  If the step size is
 bigger then scale the penalty of the offending surface.

 *** Error 30006 (INI+6)
     initialization completed with 2 or more fatal errors
     please check messag file

 Memory required to begin solution      :      20M
 Additional dynamically allocated memory:      73M
                                   Total:      92M

 *** Error 30006 (INI+6)
     initialization completed with 3 or more fatal errors
     please check messag file

 E r r o r   t e r m i n a t i o n                             05/10/22 12:18:56

 Memory required to complete solution   :      20M
 Additional dynamically allocated memory:      73M
                                   Total:      92M

 T i m i n g   i n f o r m a t i o n
                        CPU(seconds)   %CPU  Clock(seconds) %Clock
  Keyword Processing ... 8.0000E+00   28.57     8.5370E+00   30.24
    KW Reading ......... 5.0000E+00   17.86     4.5720E+00   16.19
    KW Writing ......... 1.0000E+00    3.57     1.2670E+00    4.49
  Initialization ....... 2.0000E+01   71.43     1.9695E+01   69.76
    Init Proc Phase 1 .. 2.0000E+00    7.14     1.7800E+00    6.30
    Init Proc Phase 2 .. 1.8000E+01   64.29     1.7741E+01   62.84
  T o t a l s            2.8000E+01  100.00     2.8232E+01  100.00

 Problem time       =    0.0000E+00
 Problem cycle      =         0
 Total CPU time     =        28 seconds (   0 hours  0 minutes 28 seconds)
 CPU time per zone cycle  =          0.000 picoseconds
 Clock time per zone cycle=          0.000 picoseconds

 Number of CPU's    4
 NLQ used/max     136/  136
 Start time   05/10/2022 12:18:29
 End time     05/10/2022 12:18:57
 Elapsed time      28 seconds for       0 cycles using  4 SMP threads
             (      0 hour   0 minute  28 seconds)

 E r r o r   t e r m i n a t i o n                             05/10/22 12:18:57

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