地质统计模拟方法在岩土和采矿工程中的应用(sequential Gaussian simulation)

1 引言

为了强调岩土材料性质的随机性和不确定性,各种地质统计模拟方法逐渐引入到岩土工程和采矿工程中,其中最流行的一种方法是顺序高斯模拟法SGS(Sequential Gaussian Simulation),例如(2013) Soil variability and its consequences in geotechnical engineering研究了土的变异性对岩土工程的影响;(2017) Modelling Geomechanical Heterogeneity of Rock Masses Using Direct and Indirect Geostatistical Conditional Simulation Methods研究了岩石的各向异性。本文非常简要地回顾了SGS在岩土和采矿工程中的应用,这些文献仅存在于目前的GeostechSet数据集中,外部的文献没有涉及。

2 边坡稳定性

SGS的第一个应用领域是边坡稳定性分析,参看今天发布的另一篇文章《岩土材料的空间变异性分析(Spatial Variability Analysis)》。

(2012) On Using Spatial Methods for Heterogeneous Slope Stability Analysis 

(2014) A sequential Gaussian simulation approach to modelling rock mass heterogeneity

(2017) A Comparison of Traditional, Step-Path, and Geostatistical Techniques in the Stability Analysis of a Large Open Pit

(2017) Modelling Geomechanical Heterogeneity of Rock Masses Using Direct and Indirect Geostatistical Conditional Simulation Methods 

(2022) A stochastic spatial modeling approach for pit slope stability analysis using 3D limit equilibrium analysis 

地质统计模拟方法在岩土和采矿工程中的应用(sequential Gaussian simulation)的图1

3 DFN生成


(2019) A DFN–DEM Multi‑scale Modeling Approach for Simulating Tunnel

Excavation Response in Jointed Rock Masses

(2022) Developing spatially constrained Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models for a stochastic pit slope stability analysis 

4 崩落采矿


(2015) Volumetric Fracture Intensity Measurement for Improved Rock Mass Characterisation and Fragmentation Assessment in Block Caving Operations

(2017) Determination of Optimum Draw point Layout in Block Caving using Sequential Gaussian Simulation

(2020) An application of mathematical programming and sequential Gaussian simulation for block cave production scheduling

5 地下水


(2010) Groundwater Inflow Into Rock Tunnels 

(2018) Study of the Scale Effect on Permeability in the Interlayer Shear Weakness Zone Using Sequential Indicator Simulation and Sequential Gaussian Simulation

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