
ABSTRACT: Given the extensive surface area and unique physicochemical attributes, including high mechanical stiffness, elasticity, strength, and superior thermal and electrical conductivity, graphene and graphene-based nanostructured materials have enticed supreme researcher’s interest in diverse fields, such as energy storage, catalysis, environmental sensing, and remediation. Substantial surface area and functionalization amenability render graphene-based nanocomposites interesting nanocarriers for immobilizing a variety of biological molecules, proteins, and enzymes. Functionalization of graphene nano-constructs by various functional moieties (i.e., hydroxyl, carboxylic, and epoxide groups) offer the opportunity to introduce novel properties that leads to enhanced performance of immobilized biocatalysts, such as enhanced transportation ability in living entities, protection from proteolytic action, facilitating electron transfer to the protein, and efficient integration of enzymes in microchip bioreactors and microdevices. Herein, we present current developments in exploiting graphene nanomaterials for enzyme immobilization to develop robust nano-biocatalytic systems for a range of biotechnological applications. After summarizing the engineering of graphene-based nanomaterials and enzymenanomaterial coordination for enhanced catalytic performance, particular emphasis has been given to thoroughly illustrating the promise of graphene and graphene-based nanoarchitectures as ideal support matrices to develop multifunctional nano-biocatalytic systems for multifaceted biotechnological applications. Possible challenges and future viewpoints in this quickly evolving field are also directed.
关键词:纳米生物催化作用 石墨烯 磁性氧化石墨烯纳米复合材料 膜反应器 木质纤维素水解 污水处理
3.1 PEG功能化
5.1. 从水中去除染料
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