tcl语言hypermesh二次开发 门洞屈曲自动化计算程序 optistruct求解器
- 技术邻 >
- CAE仿真 >
- HyperWorks
hypermesh二次开发 门洞屈曲自动化计算程序 optistruct求解器,付款后联系我发tcl程序给你,手机端视频无法观看 可在电脑端观看,自动抽中面 修补面 赋厚度属性等-带GUI输入界面
namespace eval ::matGUISample {
variable _r1
variable _lengh1
variable _h11
variable _h21
variable _h31
variable _h41
variable _h51
variable _t11
variable _t21
variable _t31
variable _f11
variable _f21
variable _f31
variable _elementsize1
variable _nmode1
variable _load1
## 创建工具输入hwtk界面
proc ::matGUISample::CreateGUI {} {
variable _r1
variable _lengh1
variable _h11
variable _h21
variable _h31
variable _h41
variable _h51
variable _deg11
variable _deg21
variable _f01
variable _f11
variable _f21
variable _f31
variable _elementsize1
variable _nmode1
variable _load1
destroy .mainTopLevel
set win .mainTopLevel
toplevel $win -padx 20 -pady 15
# 创建输入r 组件 ;绑定变量 _r
set r_lbl [label $win.r -text "塔筒中径" -width 50]
set r_ent [entry $ -textvariable _r1 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入lengh 组件 ;绑定变量 _lengh
set lengh_lbl [label $win.lengh -text "塔筒总高度" -width 50]
set lengh_ent [entry $win.lenghent -textvariable _lengh1 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入h2 组件 ;绑定变量 _h2
set h2_lbl [label $win.h2 -text "门洞直段长度" -width 50]
set h2_ent [entry $win.h2ent -textvariable _h21 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入h3 组件 ;绑定变量 _h3
set h3_lbl [label $win.h3 -text "门洞宽度" -width 50]
set h3_ent [entry $win.h3ent -textvariable _h31 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入h4 组件 ;绑定变量 _h4
set h4_lbl [label $win.h4 -text "门洞中心高度" -width 50]
set h4_ent [entry $win.h4ent -textvariable _h41 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入h5 组件 ;绑定变量 _h5
set h5_lbl [label $win.h5 -text "第四截面高度" -width 50]
set h5_ent [entry $win.h5ent -textvariable _h51 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入t1 组件 ;绑定变量 _t1
set t1_lbl [label $win.t1 -text "筒壁厚度" -width 50]
set t1_ent [entry $win.t1ent -textvariable _t11 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入s1 组件 ;绑定变量 _s1
set s1_lbl [label $win.s1 -text "加强版高度" -width 50]
set s1_ent [entry $win.s1ent -textvariable _s11 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入s2 组件 ;绑定变量 _s2
set s2_lbl [label $win.s2 -text "加强版伸出长度" -width 50]
set s2_ent [entry $win.s2ent -textvariable _s21 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入deg1 组件 ;绑定变量 _deg1
set deg1_lbl [label $win.deg1 -text "加强版上部加厚范围" -width 50]
set deg1_ent [entry $win.deg1ent -textvariable _deg11 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入deg2 组件 ;绑定变量 _deg2
set deg2_lbl [label $win.deg2 -text "加强版下部加厚范围" -width 50]
set deg2_ent [entry $win.deg2ent -textvariable _deg21 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入f0 组件 ;绑定变量 _f0
set f0_lbl [label $win.f0 -text "法兰板宽度" -width 50]
set f0_ent [entry $win.f0ent -textvariable _f01 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入f1 组件 ;绑定变量 _f1
set f1_lbl [label $win.f1 -text "法兰带颈高" -width 50]
set f1_ent [entry $win.f1ent -textvariable _f11 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入f2 组件 ;绑定变量 _f2
set f2_lbl [label $win.f2 -text "法兰板厚度" -width 50]
set f2_ent [entry $win.f2ent -textvariable _f21 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入f3 组件 ;绑定变量 _f3
set f3_lbl [label $win.f3 -text "基础高度" -width 50]
set f3_ent [entry $win.f3ent -textvariable _f31 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入elementsize 组件 ;绑定变量 _elementsize
set elementsize_lbl [label $win.elementsize -text "单元尺寸" -width 50]
set elementsize_ent [entry $win.elementsizeent -textvariable _elementsize1 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入nmode 组件 ;绑定变量 _nmode
set nmode_lbl [label $win.nmode -text "提取的特征值数量" -width 50]
set nmode_ent [entry $win.nmodeent -textvariable _nmode1 -width 20 ]
# 创建输入load 组件 ;绑定变量 _load
set load_lbl [label $win.load -text "施加在门洞顶部的弯矩载荷Nmm" -width 50]
set load_ent [entry $win.loadent -textvariable _load1 -width 20 ]
# 创建按钮create&solve;绑定子程序 ::matGUISample::create&solve ;
# 注意调用子程序时,引用变量 _matname _E _nu _rho ;
set crt_btn1 [button $win.bbtn1 -text "开始建模" -width 20 -command { ::matGUISample::CreateMat1 $_r1 $_lengh1 $_h11 $_h21 $_h31 $_h41 $_h51 $_t11 $_t21 $_t31 $_s11 $_s21 $_deg11 $_deg21 $_f01 $_f11 $_f21 $_f31 $_elementsize1 $_nmode1 $_load1 } ]
grid $h1_ent -row 6 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $h2_lbl -row 7 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $h2_ent -row 7 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $h3_lbl -row 8 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $h3_ent -row 8 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $h4_lbl -row 9 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $h4_ent -row 9 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $h5_lbl -row 10 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $h5_ent -row 10 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $t1_lbl -row 11 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $t1_ent -row 11 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $t2_lbl -row 12 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $t2_ent -row 12 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $t3_lbl -row 13 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $t3_ent -row 13 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $s1_lbl -row 14 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $s1_ent -row 14 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $s2_lbl -row 15 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $s2_ent -row 15 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $deg1_lbl -row 16 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $deg1_ent -row 16 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $deg2_lbl -row 17 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $deg2_ent -row 17 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $f0_lbl -row 18 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $f0_ent -row 18 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $f1_lbl -row 19 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $f1_ent -row 19 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $f2_lbl -row 20 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $f2_ent -row 20 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $f3_lbl -row 21 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $f3_ent -row 21 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $elementsize_lbl -row 22 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $elementsize_ent -row 22 -column 1 -padx 10 -pady 10
grid $nmode_lbl -row 23 -column 0 -padx 10 -pady 10
proc ::matGUISample::CreateMat1 { _r1 _lengh1 _h11 _h21 _h31 _h41 _h51 _t11 _t21 _t31 _s11 _s21 _deg11 _deg21 _f01 _f11 _f21 _f31 _elementsize1 _nmode1 _load1 } {
hm_answernext yes
set r $_r1
set lengh $_lengh1
set h1 $_h11
set s1 $_s11
set s2 $_s21
set deg1 $_deg11
set deg2 $_deg21
set f0 $_f01
set f1 $_f11
set f2 $_f21
set f3 $_f31
set elementsize $_elementsize1
set nmode $_nmode1
set load $_load1
set halfdeg1 [expr (0.5*$deg1)]
set halfdeg2 [expr (0.5*$deg2)]
set dis [expr ($h5-$h4)]
*createlist nodes 1 1
*createvector 1 0 1 0
*createcirclefromcenterradius 1 1 $r 360 0
*createmark lines 1 1
*createvector 1 0 1 0
*surfacecreatedraglinealongvector 1 1 $lengh 0 0 0 0 0
*createentity comps cardimage=HM_COMP includeid=2 name=TEMP2
set temp [expr ($r+$s2)]
set half [expr (0.5*$h3)]
*createnode 0 $h4 $temp
*createmark nodes 1 2
*duplicatemark nodes 1 29
*createmark nodes 1 3
*createvector 1 1 0 0
*translatemark nodes 1 1 $half
*createmark nodes 1 2
*duplicatemark nodes 1 29
*createmark nodes 1 4
*createvector 1 1 0 0
*translatemark nodes 1 1 -$half
set half2 [expr (0.5*$h2)]
*createmark nodes 1 2 3 4
*duplicatemark nodes 1 29
*createmark nodes 1 5 6 7
*createvector 1 0 1 0
*translatemark nodes 1 1 $half2
*createlist nodes 1 5
*createvector 1 0 0 1
*createcirclefromcenterradius 1 1 $duanbanzhou 360 0
*createmark lines 1 5
*scalemark lines 1 1 $ratio 1 5
*createlist nodes 1 7 6
*linecreatefromnodes 1 0 150 5 179
*createmark lines 1 5
*linesplitatline 1 6
*createlist nodes 1 7 4
*linecreatefromnodes 1 0 150 5 179
*createlist nodes 1 6 3
*linecreatefromnodes 1 0 150 5 179
*createmark lines 1 9 7 10
*duplicatemark lines 1 0
*createmark lines 1 10-12
*createplane 1 0 1 0 0 $h4 0
*reflectmark lines 1 1
*createmark lines 1 6 8
*deletemark lines 1
*createentity comps cardimage=HM_COMP includeid=3 name=NECK
*createmark lines 1 1
*createvector 1 0 1 0
*surfacecreatedraglinealongvector 1 1 -$neck 1 1 0 0 0
*startnotehistorystate {Moved surfaces into component "NECK"}
*createmark surfaces 1 2
*movemark surfaces 1 "NECK"
*endnotehistorystate {Moved surfaces into component "NECK"}
*createentity comps cardimage=HM_COMP includeid=4 name=flange
set temp [expr (2*$f2)]
*createmark lines 1 15
*createvector 1 0 1 0
*surfacecreatedraglinealongvector 1 1 -$temp 1 1 0 0 0
*startnotehistorystate {Moved surfaces into component "flange"}
*createmark surfaces 1 3
*movemark surfaces 1 "flange"
*endnotehistorystate {Moved surfaces into component "flange"}
*createentity comps cardimage=HM_COMP includeid=5 name=base
set temp [expr ($f3-$f2)]
*createmark lines 1 19
*createvector 1 0 1 0
*surfacecreatedraglinealongvector 1 1 -$temp 1 1 0 0 0
*startnotehistorystate {Moved surfaces into component "base"}
*createmark surfaces 1 4
*movemark surfaces 1 "base"
*endnotehistorystate {Moved surfaces into component "base"}
*createmark surfaces 1 "all"
*createplane 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
*surfacemarksplitwithplane 1 1
*createmark surfaces 1 1 12
*createmark lines 2 9 7 10-13
*createvector 1 0 0 1
*surfacemarksplitwithlines 1 2 1 9 0
*createmark surfs 1 13 14
*deletemark surfs 1
*createentity comps cardimage=HM_COMP includeid=6 name=jiaqiangban
*currentcollector components "jiaqiangban"
hm_createmark lines 1 "by comps" "TEMP2"
*createvector 1 0 0 1
*surfacecreatedraglinealongvector 1 1 -$s1 0 0 0 0 0
hm_createmark surfaces 1 "by comps" jiaqiangban
*createmark lines 2 1
*createvector 1 0 1 0
*surfacemarksplitwithlines 1 2 1 9 0
hm_createmark surfaces 1 "by comps" jiaqiangban
set surfacesid [hm_getmark surfaces 1]
*startnotehistorystate {Moved surfaces into component "WALL"}
hm_createmark surfaces 1 "by comps" jiaqiangban
*movemark surfaces 1 "WALL"
*endnotehistorystate {Moved surfaces into component "WALL"}
*createmark surfaces 1 "all"
*selfstitchcombine 1 71 15 15
eval *createmark surfaces 1 $surfacesid
*startnotehistorystate {Moved surfaces into component "jiaqiangban"}
*movemark surfaces 1 "jiaqiangban"
*endnotehistorystate {Moved surfaces into component "jiaqiangban"}
*createnode 0 0 6000
*viewset 0.771210442 -0.211242145 0.600509126 0 0.0466250509 0.959546543 0.277662631 0 -0.634870506 -0.186137551 0.749861489 0 -450.988912 455.149352 -2991.66002 1 -2782.93992 -7521.62072 6567.06008 23602.8793
*createmark surfaces 1 all
*createplane 1 0 1 0 0 $h4 4250
*surfacemarksplitwithplane 1 1
*createmark surfaces 1 all
*createplane 1 0 1 0 0 $h5 4250
*surfacemarksplitwithplane 1 1
*createmark lines 1 all
set lineids [hm_getmark lines 1]
set Number [llength $lineids]
set lineids [lsort $lineids]
set temp4 0
for {set comp2 0} {$comp2<$Number} {incr comp2 1} {
set temp2 [expr ($comp2+1)]
set a [lindex $lineids $temp4]
set b [lindex $lineids $comp2]
if { $a > $b } {
set max [lindex $lineids $temp4]
} else {
set temp4 $comp2
set max [lindex $lineids $temp4]
set max [expr ($max+1)]
set max2 [expr ($max+1)]
*createlist nodes 1 8 1
*linecreatefromnodes 1 0 150 5 179
*createmark lines 1 $max
*createplane 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
*rotatemark lines 1 1 $halfdeg2
*createmark lines 1 $max
*duplicatemark lines 1 0
*createmark lines 1 $max2
*createplane 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
*rotatemark lines 1 1 -$deg2
*createmark surfaces 1 27 25
*createmark lines 2 $max2 $max
*createvector 1 0 1 0
*surfacemarksplitwithlines 1 2 1 8 $h4
*createnode 0 $h4 0
*createnode 0 $h4 6000
*createlist nodes 1 10 9
*linecreatefromnodes 1 0 150 5 17
*createmark lines 1 all
set lineids [hm_getmark lines 1]
set Number [llength $lineids]
set lineids [lsort $lineids]
set temp4 0
for {set comp2 0} {$comp2<$Number} {incr comp2 1} {
set temp2 [expr ($comp2+1)]
set a [lindex $lineids $temp4]
set b [lindex $lineids $comp2]
if { $a > $b } {
set max [lindex $lineids $temp4]
} else {
set temp4 $comp2
set max [lindex $lineids $temp4]
set max [expr ($max)]
set max2 [expr ($max+1)]
*createmark lines 1 $max
*createplane 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
*rotatemark lines 1 1 $halfdeg1
*createmark lines 1 $max
*duplicatemark lines 1 0
*createmark lines 1 $max2
*createplane 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
*rotatemark lines 1 1 -$deg1
*createmark surfaces 1 12 1
*createmark lines 2 $max2 $max
*createvector 1 0 1 0
*surfacemarksplitwithlines 1 2 1 8 $dis
*createentity comps cardimage=HM_COMP includeid=6 name=boost
*currentcollector components "boost"
*startnotehistorystate {Moved surfaces into component "boost"}
*createmark surfaces 1 1 12 25 32
*movemark surfaces 1 "boost"
*endnotehistorystate {Moved surfaces into component "boost"}
*createmark surfaces 1 "displayed"
set surfmeshids [hm_getmark surfs 1]
set surfmeshnumber [llength $surfmeshids]
set surfmeshnumberstr [string length $surfmeshids]
*startnotehistorystate {Automesh surfaces}
set shuzu 0
set xuhao 0
for {set rm 0} {$rm<$surfmeshnumberstr} {incr rm 1} {
set temp [string index $surfmeshids $rm]
if {$temp==" "} {
set ddd [expr ($rm-1)]
set arr2($xuhao) [string range $surfmeshids $shuzu $ddd]
set shuzu [expr (1+$rm)]
set xuhao [expr (1+$xuhao)]
} else {
set arr2($xuhao) [string range $surfmeshids $shuzu $rm]
for {set rm 0} {$rm<$surfmeshnumber} {incr rm 1} {
*elementorder 1
*startnotehistorystate {Automesh surfaces}
*createmark surfaces 1 $arr2($rm)
*interactiveremeshsurf 1 $elementsize 2 2 2 1 1
*set_meshfaceparams 0 5 2 0 0 1 0.5 1 1
*automesh 0 5 2
*storemeshtodatabase 1
*endnotehistorystate {Automesh surfaces}
*createentity comps cardimage=HM_COMP includeid=7 name=rigidbeam
hm_createmark nodes 2 "by lines" "228 230 232"
*rigidlinkinodecalandcreate 2 0 0 123456
*createentity props cardimage=PSHELL includeid=0 name=wall
*clearmark properties 1
*startnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*endnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*startnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*setvalue props id=1 STATUS=1 95=$t1
*endnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*setvalue comps id=1 propertyid={props 1}
*createentity props cardimage=PSHELL includeid=0 name=boost
*clearmark properties 1
*startnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*endnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*startnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*setvalue props id=2 STATUS=1 95=$t2
*endnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*setvalue comps id=7 propertyid={props 2}
*setvalue comps id=3 propertyid={props 1}
set temp [expr (0.5*$f0-0.5*$t1)]
*createentity props cardimage=PSHELL includeid=0 name=flange
*clearmark properties 1
*startnotehistorystate {Modified Offset_opts of property}
*setvalue props id=3 STATUS=2 897=2
*endnotehistorystate {Modified Offset_opts of property}
*startnotehistorystate {Attached attributes to property "property2"}
*setvalue props id=3 STATUS=2 996=1
*setvalue props id=3 STATUS=2 134=0
*endnotehistorystate {Attached attributes to property "property2"}
*mergehistorystate "" ""
*startnotehistorystate {Modified ZOFFS of property}
*setvalue props id=3 STATUS=2 134=$temp
*endnotehistorystate {Modified ZOFFS of property}
*startnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*endnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*startnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*setvalue props id=3 STATUS=1 95=$f0
*endnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*setvalue comps id=4 propertyid={props 3}
set temp [expr (0.5*$tbase-0.5*$t1)]
*createentity props cardimage=PSHELL includeid=0 name=tbase
*clearmark properties 1
*startnotehistorystate {Modified Offset_opts of property}
*setvalue props id=4 STATUS=2 897=2
*endnotehistorystate {Modified Offset_opts of property}
*startnotehistorystate {Attached attributes to property "property2"}
*setvalue props id=4 STATUS=2 996=1
*setvalue props id=4 STATUS=2 134=0
*endnotehistorystate {Attached attributes to property "property2"}
*mergehistorystate "" ""
*startnotehistorystate {Modified ZOFFS of property}
*setvalue props id=4 STATUS=2 134=$temp
*endnotehistorystate {Modified ZOFFS of property}
*startnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*endnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*startnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*setvalue props id=4 STATUS=1 95=$tbase
*endnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*setvalue comps id=5 propertyid={props 4}
*createentity props cardimage=PSHELL includeid=0 name=jiaqiangban
*clearmark properties 1
*startnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*endnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*startnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*setvalue props id=5 STATUS=1 95=$t3
*endnotehistorystate {Modified T of property}
*startnotehistorystate {Modified Offset_opts of property}
*setvalue props id=5 STATUS=2 897=2
*endnotehistorystate {Modified Offset_opts of property}
*startnotehistorystate {Attached attributes to property "property1"}
*setvalue props id=5 STATUS=2 996=1
*setvalue props id=5 STATUS=2 134=0
*endnotehistorystate {Attached attributes to property "property1"}
*mergehistorystate "" ""
*startnotehistorystate {Modified ZOFFS_opts of property}
*setvalue props id=5 STATUS=2 996=2
*endnotehistorystate {Modified ZOFFS_opts of property}
*startnotehistorystate {Attached attributes to property "property1"}
*setvalue props id=5 STATUS=2 995="BOTTOM"
*endnotehistorystate {Attached attributes to property "property1"}
*setvalue comps id=6 propertyid={props 5}
*createentity loadcols includeid=0 name=SPC
hm_createmark nodes 1 "by lines" "33 38 41"
*loadcreateonentity_curve nodes 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*createentity loadcols includeid=0 name=STATIC
hm_createmark nodes 1 "by comps" "rigidbeam"
set nodesids [hm_getmark nodes 1]
set Number [llength $nodesids]
set nodesids [lsort $nodesids]
set temp4 0
for {set comp2 0} {$comp2<$Number} {incr comp2 1} {
set temp2 [expr ($comp2+1)]
set a [lindex $nodesids $temp4]
set b [lindex $nodesids $comp2]
if { $a > $b } {
set max [lindex $nodesids $temp4]
} else {
set temp4 $comp2
set max [lindex $nodesids $temp4]
*startnotehistorystate {Created Moment}
*createmark nodes 1 $max
*loadcreateonentity_curve nodes 1 2 1 $load 0 0 0 0 $load 0 0 0 0 0
*endnotehistorystate {Created Moment}
*createentity loadcols includeid=0 name=BULKING
*clearmark loadcols 1
*setvalue loadcols id=3 cardimage="EIGRL"
*startnotehistorystate {Modified ND of loadcol}
*endnotehistorystate {Modified ND of loadcol}
*startnotehistorystate {Modified ND of loadcol}
*setvalue loadcols id=3 STATUS=1 804=$nmode
*endnotehistorystate {Modified ND of loadcol}
*setvalue loadcols id=3 STATUS=2 808="MAX"
*createentity mats cardimage=MAT1 includeid=0 name=steel
*setvalue mats id=1 STATUS=1 1=210000
*setvalue mats id=1 STATUS=1 3=0.3
*setvalue props id=1 materialid={mats 1}
*setvalue props id=2 materialid={mats 1}
*setvalue props id=3 materialid={mats 1}
*setvalue props id=4 materialid={mats 1}
*setvalue props id=5 materialid={mats 1}
*startnotehistorystate {LoadSteps Creation}
*createmark loadcols 1 "SPC" "STATIC"
*createmark outputblocks 1
*createmark groups 1
*loadstepscreate "STATIC" 1
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 1 4143 1 1 0 1
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 1 4709 1 1 0 1
*setvalue loadsteps id=1 STATUS=2 4059=1 4060=STATICS
*attributeupdateentity loadsteps 1 4145 1 1 0 loadcols 1
*attributeupdateentity loadsteps 1 4147 1 1 0 loadcols 2
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 1 3800 1 1 0 0
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 1 707 1 1 0 0
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 1 2396 1 1 0 0
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 1 8134 1 1 0 0
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 1 2160 1 1 0 0
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 1 10212 1 1 0 0
*endnotehistorystate {LoadSteps Creation}
*startnotehistorystate {LoadSteps Creation}
*createmark loadcols 1 "SPC" "BULKING"
*createmark outputblocks 1
*createmark groups 1
*loadstepscreate "BULKING" 1
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 2 4143 1 1 0 1
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 2 4709 1 1 0 4
*setvalue loadsteps id=2 STATUS=2 4059=1 4060=BUCK
*attributeupdateentity loadsteps 2 4145 1 1 0 loadcols 1
*attributeupdateentity loadsteps 2 4966 1 1 0 loadcols 3
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 2 3800 1 1 0 1
*createarray 1 1
*attributeupdateentityidarray loadsteps 2 3801 1 1 0 loadsteps 1 1
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 2 707 1 1 0 0
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 2 2396 1 1 0 0
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 2 8134 1 1 0 0
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 2 2160 1 1 0 0
*attributeupdateint loadsteps 2 10212 1 1 0 0
*endnotehistorystate {LoadSteps Creation}
tk_messageBox -message "警告:前处理完成,请仔细检查单元厚度偏执方向是否正确"
该付费内容为:hypermesh二次开发 提
3人购买
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