
Microsoft Visual Studio Code与DevContainer的集成帮助快速安装启动本地开发所需的一切,而任务和启动配置则有助于启动运行时服务、其他应用程序和测试。
[1] 宋珂. AUTOSAR规范与车用控制器软件开发. [M]. 化学工业出版社. 2019-01
[2] 中国汽车基础软件生态委员会. 车载SOA软件架构技术规范1.1. [R]. 2021-09
[3] Dr. Joachim Schlosser. Why Scrum for embedded software. [R]. 2020-07
[4] Stefan Wagener.Jochen Möller.Christof Menzenbach. How high-performance computers shape the user experience in the cockpit of the future. [R].
[5] JASPAR Next Generation High-Speed Network WG. What is the conqueror in the SOA platform for the future in-vehicle networks? [R]. 2021-06
[6] ARM. How the SOAFEE Architecture Brings A Cloud-Native Approach To Mixed Critical Automotive Systems. [R]. 2021-09
[7] Jochen Steuerwald. A tool and workflow approach for automotive ECUs using AUTOSAR Classic. [R].2020-06
[8] Steffen Kuhn. Combined application of agile practices and functional safety in automotive software development. [R]. 2020-10
[9] STEVE HOWARD.JILL BRITTON. Claiming Compliance for Coding Standards. [R].
[10] Trista Lin.David Fernandez Blanco.Juleixis Guariguata. Communication Management in Automotive Service Oriented Architectures. [R]. 2021-11
[11] dSPACE Inc. The future of agile software development and validation for autonomous vehicles. [R]. 2021
[12] Oded Mann.Amit Shah. Future E/E vehicle architectures and the shifting goal post for mainstream OTA adoption. [R]. 2021-10
[13] W3C.GENIVI. Service Oriented Architecture is coming to your vehicle program. [R].2021-04
[14] Anders Kallerdahl. How can we design and configure systems where Adaptive and Classic AUTOSAR co-exist? [R]. 2020-11
[15] Christian Götz. How to Build a Reliable Connected Car Platform with MQTT. [R]. 2020-02
[16] Robert Bosch. INTRODUCTION TO ECLIPSE ICEORYX [R]. 2020-02
[17] Vikrant Bhangay.Shehan P R.Renjith G. Modern day eCockpit Architecture-Approaches & Challenges. [R]. 2020-04
[18] 中国汽车工业协会. 软件定义汽车服务API.
[19] Omkar Panse. Service oriented architecture for software driven vehicles.
[20] ARM. Scalable Open Architecture For the Embedded Edge. [R]. 2021
[21] David Rush.Erich Meier. The Future of Work Digital Transformation in Engineering. [R].2021
[22] Rensas.Opensynergy. Implement virtual I/O device(virtio) standard. [R]. 2021
[23] 龚小平. 基于模型设计开发面向服务的应用. [R]. 2021-05
[24] (法)尼古拉斯·纳威特,(法)弗朗西斯·西蒙-莱昂. 汽车嵌入式系统手册. [M]. 机械工业出版社. 2016-01
[25] 汪珺. 汽车行业的IT数字化转型——DevOps. [R]. 2022-01
[26] 杨国梁. 通过Shift Left 提高汽车软件竞争力. [R]. 2021-04
[27] 云原生产业联盟. 云原生发展白皮书. [Z]. 2020-07
[28] 中国汽车工业协会. 中国汽车基础软件发展白皮书 2.0. [Z]. 2021-09
[29] 杨世春. 自动驾驶汽车平台技术基础. [M]. 清华大学出版社. 2020-06
[30] 肖猛. 自动驾驶软件架构之中间件与SOA. [R]. 2021-10

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