
*createmark elems 1 displayed
hm_getedgeloops elems markid=1 looptype=2
Returns surface and element free and non-manifold edge loop entities.
hm_getedgeloops entity_type markid=<mark_id> ?looptype=<loop_type>? ?featureangle=<angle>? ?refmarkid=<mark_id>? ?restricttoinput=<value>?
Returns surface and element free and non-manifold edge loop entities. The return is a "list of loops". Each loop is an ordered list of either surface edge or element node IDs that define each loop. The first value in each loop list is the loop type. The remaining values are the ordered node/surface edge IDs defining the loop. If the loop is closed, the first and last ID are the same.
For example:
{2 1 29 35 34 33 32 31 25 5 4 3 2 1 } {2 6 7 8 9 10 22 23 24 21 18 15 12 30 11 6 } {2 16 19 20 17 16 } {4 26 27 28 } {1 26 39 40 41 28 }
To get all edge loops for the displayed surfaces:
*createmark surfs 1 displayed hm_getedgeloops surfs markid=1
To get all open t-connection (Bit2) and closed t-connection (Bit3) edge loops for the displayed surfaces:
*createmark surfs 1 displayed hm_getedgeloops surfs markid=1 looptype=12
To get all closed free (Bit1) edge loops for the displayed elements:
*createmark elems 1 displayed hm_getedgeloops elems markid=1 looptype=2

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