Turbomachinery applications with axial blades typically require a flow-aligned, structured mesh. This type of mesh has implicit connectivity and a fixed number of vertex or face neigh bors, leading to a more accurate solution. Unlike structured meshes, unstructured meshes can contain any type of cell and no defined connectivity between the cells.
Typically a structured mesh has a lower cell count whilst allowing for the same solution accuracy and since the connectivity is implicit the solver is much more efficient.
The operation supports axial blade geometries, which can include a tip clearance near the hub or shroud that is, a gap between the blade tip and the hub or the shroud. If present, the tip gap clearance can be eitherconstant or variable.
The Turbomachinery Mesh operation generates a flow-aligned hexahedral mesh using a method based on elliptical partial difference equations. This operation is only for serial execution.
The Turbomachinery Mesh operation requires you to set several parameters that define the mesh distribution along the blade profile and along the spanwise and pitchwise directions: