Seaborn Heatmap – 综合指南

Seaborn Heatmap – 综合指南

上次更新时间 : 2020 年 11 月 12 日

热图被定义为数据的图形表示,使用颜色来可视化矩阵的值。在这种情况下,为了表示更常见的值或更高的活动,通常使用较亮的颜色,而为了表示不太常见的活动值,首选较暗的颜色。热度地图也由着色矩阵的名称定义。Seaborn 中的热图可以使用 seaborn.heatmap() 函数绘制。


语法: seaborn.heatmap(data*vmin=Nonevmax=Nonecmap=Nonecenter=Noneannot_kws=Nonelinewidths=0linecolor='white'cbar=True**kwargs)


  • data:可以强制转换为 ndarray 的 2D 数据集。
  • vmin vmax:锚定颜色图的值,否则它们将从数据和其他关键字参数中推断出来。
  • CMAP:从数据值到色彩空间的映射。
  • 中心: 绘制发散数据时颜色图居中的值。
  • 注意: 如果为 True,则在每个单元格中写入数据值。
  • FMT 的: 添加注释时使用的字符串格式代码。
  • linewidths: 线宽:将划分每个单元格的线的宽度。
  • linecolor 中: 将划分每个单元格的线条的颜色。
  • cbar 中: 是否绘制颜色条。

除 data 之外的所有参数都是可选的。

返回: matplotlib.axes._subplots 类型的对象。轴子图



使用默认参数制作热图。我们将使用 NumPy 模块的 randint() 函数创建一个 10×10 二维数据。

# importing the modules
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# generating 2-D 10x10 matrix of random numbers
# from 1 to 100
data = np.random.randint(low = 1 ,
                          high = 100 ,
                          size = ( 10 , 10 ))
print ( "The data to be plotted:\n" )
print (data)
# plotting the heatmap
hm = sn.heatmap(data = data)
# displaying the plotted heatmap


The data to be plotted:

[[46 30 55 86 42 94 31 56 21  7]
[68 42 95 28 93 13 90 27 14 65]
[73 84 92 66 16 15 57 36 46 84]
[ 7 11 41 37  8 41 96 53 51 72]
[52 64  1 80 33 30 91 80 28 88]
[19 93 64 23 72 15 39 35 62  3]
[51 45 51 17 83 37 81 31 62 10]
[ 9 28 30 47 73 96 10 43 30  2]
[74 28 34 26  2 70 82 53 97 96]
[86 13 60 51 95 26 22 29 14 29]]

Seaborn Heatmap – 综合指南的图1



如果我们将 vmin 值设置为 30 并将 vmax 值设置为 70,则只会显示值介于 30 和 70 之间的单元格。这称为锚定颜色图。

# importing the modules
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# generating 2-D 10x10 matrix of random numbers
# from 1 to 100
data = np.random.randint(low = 1 ,
                          high = 100 ,
                          size = ( 10 , 10 ))
# setting the parameter values
vmin = 30
vmax = 70
# plotting the heatmap
hm = sn.heatmap(data = data,
                 vmin = vmin,
                 vmax = vmax)
# displaying the plotted heatmap


Seaborn Heatmap – 综合指南的图2


在这里,我们将查看 cmap 参数。Matplotlib 为我们提供了多个颜色图,您可以在此处查看所有颜色图。在我们的示例中,我们将使用 tab20

# importing the modules
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# generating 2-D 10x10 matrix of random numbers
# from 1 to 100
data = np.random.randint(low = 1 ,
                          high = 100 ,
                          size = ( 10 , 10 ))
# setting the parameter values
cmap = "tab20"
# plotting the heatmap
hm = sn.heatmap(data = data,
                 cmap = cmap)
# displaying the plotted heatmap


Seaborn Heatmap – 综合指南的图3


通过将 center 参数传递为 0,将 cmap 居中为 0。

# importing the modules
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# generating 2-D 10x10 matrix of random numbers
# from 1 to 100
data = np.random.randint(low = 1 ,
                          high = 100 ,
                          size = ( 10 , 10 ))
# setting the parameter values
cmap = "tab20"
center = 0
# plotting the heatmap
hm = sn.heatmap(data = data,
                 cmap = cmap,
                 center = center)
# displaying the plotted heatmap


Seaborn Heatmap – 综合指南的图4


如果我们想要显示单元格的值,那么我们将参数 annot 作为 True 传递。fmt 用于选择所显示单元格内容的数据类型。

# importing the modules
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# generating 2-D 10x10 matrix of random numbers
# from 1 to 100
data = np.random.randint(low = 1 ,
                          high = 100 ,
                          size = ( 10 , 10 ))
# setting the parameter values
annot = True
# plotting the heatmap
hm = sn.heatmap(data = data,
                 annot = annot)
# displaying the plotted heatmap


Seaborn Heatmap – 综合指南的图5


我们可以分别使用 linewidth 和 linecolor 参数更改分隔单元格的线条的粗细和颜色。

# importing the modules
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# generating 2-D 10x10 matrix of random numbers
# from 1 to 100
data = np.random.randint(low = 1 ,
                          high = 100 ,
                          size = ( 10 , 10 ))
# setting the parameter values
linewidths = 2
linecolor = "yellow"
# plotting the heatmap
hm = sn.heatmap(data = data,
                 linewidths = linewidths,
                 linecolor = linecolor)
# displaying the plotted heatmap


Seaborn Heatmap – 综合指南的图6


我们可以通过将 cbar 参数设置为 False 来禁用颜色条。

# importing the modules
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# generating 2-D 10x10 matrix of random numbers
# from 1 to 100
data = np.random.randint(low = 1 ,
                          high = 100 ,
                          size = ( 10 , 10 ))
# setting the parameter values
cbar = False
# plotting the heatmap
hm = sn.heatmap(data = data,
                 cbar = cbar)
# displaying the plotted heatmap


Seaborn Heatmap – 综合指南的图7


我们可以通过在 xticklabels 和 yticklabels 参数中分别传递 False 来禁用 x-label 和 y-label

# importing the modules
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# generating 2-D 10x10 matrix of random numbers
# from 1 to 100
data = np.random.randint(low = 1 ,
                          high = 100 ,
                          size = ( 10 , 10 ))
# setting the parameter values
xticklabels = False
yticklabels = False
# plotting the heatmap
hm = sn.heatmap(data = data,
                 xticklabels = xticklabels,
                 yticklabels = yticklabels)
# displaying the plotted heatmap


Seaborn Heatmap – 综合指南的图8

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