Range算法允许用户通过一些命令来指定一个对象的限定集(balls,contacts, clumps, etc.)。大多数命令接受一个可选的range关键词短语,且如果存在必须放在命令语句的末尾,下面列出了几个命令的示例。注意:如果未指定range关键词短语,那么命令将应用于所有可能的目标对象。
ball distribute keyword ... range ...
dfn copy idfrom idto range ...
clump initialize keyword ... range ...
... etc.
The range logic is understood as a capability within the program that is applied to other commands via keyword, rather than a functionality that has its own top-level command.
That said, there is a range command. Its purpose is to define a named, user-specified set of range elements. However, the resulting set (the "named range") is not applied to anything until it is utilized as an element within a range phrase.
上面的命令标识为ball generate命令,其后为命令组成关键词,当出现<range>关键词时,说明后面开始为range过滤功能,由至少一条range元素组成基本range短语。除了上述range元素外,range关键词短语也可以包括逻辑关键词(or、and、not, etc.)或者限度(extent)关键词。使用限度关键词时,对象的限度是用于验证对象是否在范围内,此关键词只适用于几何的range元素(如,sphere)。
by关键词后面跟一个字符串s,可以用于对特定的range元素过滤出现名称为s类型的对象。比如:“geometry delete polygons range id 1 by node”。删除边id为1的多边形。表1给出了可以使用的by关键词对应的字符串。
Table 1 Accepted Range Phrase By Strings
String |
Object |
String |
Object |
ball |
ball |
geomset |
geometry set |
ballcfd |
cfd ball |
intersection |
dfn intersection |
ballthermal |
thermal ball |
intersectionset |
dfn intersection set |
clump |
clump |
node |
geometry node |
clumpcfd |
cfd clump |
pebble |
pebble |
clumpthermal |
thermal clump |
pebblecfd |
cfd pebble |
dfn |
discrete fracture network |
pebblethermal |
thermal pebble |
edge |
geometry edge |
polygon |
geometry polygon |
facet |
wall facet |
vertex |
wall vertex |
facetthermal |
thermal wall facet |
wall |
wall |
fracture |
dfn fracture |
wallthermal |
thermal wall |
new domain extent 0 1000 0 1000 0 1000 ball generate number 1000 radius 1 20 ;create two groups using the x range element ball group side1 range x 0 333 ball group side2 range x 667 1000 ;next line produces a warning -- the resulting intersection is empty ;note the "group" keyword is used twice in the same range phrase ball group both range group side1 group side2 ;next produces a UNION of the two groups with the 'union' keyword ;the 'add' keyword is used to prevent overwriting existing groups ball group both2 add range group side1 group side2 union ;same group, different syntax (and again using 'add'): ;group's 'or' keyword below vs. 'union' keyword above ball group both3 add range group side1 or side2 ;next produces an inversion of the preceding group using NOT ball group neither range group both3 not
new domain extent 0 1000 0 1000 0 333 ball generate number 1000 radius 1 30 ;named range with 'range' command: ;a union of two x range elements (using 'union') range name bookends union x 0 200 x 800 1000 ;range phrase with 'range' keyword: ;ball group named 'middle' is created in the given range ball group middle range x 500 600 ;delete balls NOT in the named range and the group ball delete range nrange bookends not group middle not