San Francisco Oakland Bay 桥的地震分析案例--转贴&l

San Francisco Oakland Bay 桥的地震分析案例--转贴&l的图1

San Francisco Oakland Bay 桥的地震分析案例--转贴&l的图2

San Francisco Oakland Bay 桥的地震分析案例--转贴&l的图3

In response to the extensive damage caused by the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) commissioned a seismic-retrofit project for six of the major toll bridges in California, including the famous San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge. ADINA was selected to be used for the seismic analysis of these bridges to determine what retrofitting or new sections of bridges should be constructed. We are proud to be part of this important project.
San Francisco Oakland Bay 桥的地震分析案例--转贴&l的图4
ADINA was used for the linear and highly nonlinear analyses (including large displacements, plasticity, and contact) of the six major toll bridges in California after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Here, the model of a section of the old Bay Bridge subjected to an earthquake load is shown. Subsequent to this analysis, ADINA was used by the California Department of Transportation and its contractors to design a brand new bridge section spanning from Oakland to Treasure Island.
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